Pull The Trigger

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TW⚠️ domestic violence

◇ Omniscient ◇

One Year Later

Stepping out into the freezing atmosphere, Amini wraps her arms around her infinitesimal frame. Inhaling the crisp night air, her eyes wander at the few cars parked in front of the club in hopes of finding the one belonging to her boyfriend.

She sighs to herself and pulls out her phone, scrolling through her recent messages, she rolls her eyes and mumbles a few unnecessary words to herself; realizing that he had told her that he would be too busy tonight so she'd just have to walk the way home.

She would be fine with that if it were hot tonight, unfortunately it wasn't and the sweat glistening on her hot skin made it colder than what it really was.

"Bye girly, see you Friday." Iyana, one of the few friends she had at the club waves. "See you Friday." Amini replies, stuffing her phone into the pocket of her bomber jacket. She begins to walk down the street, towards the corner, thinking about nothing in particular.

She stops in her tracks and looks over her shoulder, searching for the voice that called her name. For the past week she'd been hearing her name in a faint whisper but was always unable to identify the being the voice belonged to. She continues down the desolate sidewalk while the autumn leaves blow over the damp pavement as if they were hurrying to clear the path for her.

Her eyes stay glued to the cement as the clicking of her heels echo through the streets, stopping for a brief second to make eye contact with the gentlemen passing by. He smiles at her, giving her a simple head nod before continuing to his destination of choice.

Furrowing her threaded brows, Amini looks over her shoulder at the man who was turning the corner, slipping away before she could get a full look at him.

The only thing that caught her eyes were his. They were a deep Forrest green, the color of freshly cut spring grass; mesmerizing, yet eerie all together. Closing her eyes, she tries to remember his face, a little detail about him other than the color of his orbs but for some unknown reason her brain couldn't piece together a face, all she saw was his eyes..

Brushing the uneasy encounter aside, Amini continues her way home, admiring the moon that provided a decent amount of light on the dark street her apartment was on. Finally approaching the doorsteps, a gust of cooling wind blows against Amini's skin, resulting in her shivering while fishing for the keys in her pocket.

Placing her small hand against the cold door, she pushes it open, eyes wandering her dark home. Letting out a breath of relief she closes the door behind her and proceeds inside only to stop when a light from the corner of the living room turns on. She bites on her bottom lip and stares at him. He holds the cold bottle of liquor in his fairly large hands as he eyes her, staring in her dark brown tired eyes.

"I thought you were going to be out?" She questions, removing her jacket from her being, tossing it to the nearest couch. He licks his liquor tainted lips and sits upright, studying her body. "Let's talk." He states, pressing the brim of the cold bottle to his plump lips. Amini watches as he tilts his head back, ingesting the liquor that turned the sweetest people into demons but in this case; it turned this demon into Lucifer himself. The horns may have not been visible nor was the pitchfork but when his skin touched her's a flame could be felt between the two.

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