My Love Is Your Love

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This chapter is too special for a visual therefore, there is not one also, thank you guys for 37k reads. I adore you all so much 😭💚

♤ Quinten Salazar ♤

Exiting out of the washroom, I watch her run her damp fingers through her dark hair as her heavy eyes wander around my semi bright bedroom. She rubs her eyes while sauntering back over to my bed. "I'm freezing." She utters, climbing in bed with me. Tossing the satin, blue sheets over her body, I pull her close to me, allowing her to position her head on my bare chest. She wraps her arm around my abdomen while tossing her leg over my lower half.

"Can we talk about something?"

Meeting her coffee colored eyes, I remove some of her hair out of her face giving me the perfect view of her prepossessing morning face. Freckles evident due to the little sunlight seeping through the curtains of my bedroom. "What would you like to talk about?" I sit my soma up a bit while pulling her even closer to me, leaving no space between us. We sit quietly while she fumbles with her fingers, chewing on her bottom lip.

"Are you nervous?" I inquire, lifting her head so that I could look her directly in her mesmerizing eyes. She shakes her head no and combs her fingers through her hair. "I'm not nervous. I'm just carefully processing my words in my mind before saying them verbally."

"Okay my love, take your time." She nods and continues to chew her bottom lip. "Okay well," she now pulls her body up, pressing her back against the headboard.

"Talk to me, moonlight. Tell me what you're feeling."

"Do you know that at seven weeks a fetus is the size of a blueberry?" I furrow my brows at her statement until it finally clicks in my brain. She was finally talking about her pregnancy. Scratching my curls, I shake my head while gliding my tongue across my bottom lip. "No, I was unaware of that." I truthfully state. She toys with the ends of her hair, chewing the inside of her cheek.

"I was researching it and it said by the time you're seven weeks pregnant you go through morning sickness and I didn't experience any of that, I really had no damn clue that I was pregnant." She whispers looking up at me.

"I mean you were really focused on work as well as stressing over it so that could possibly be the reason why you were unaware of it." I point out. At times we become so busy with life we forget about ourselves. We're so focused on something we believe is more important than ourselves we end up neglecting our own needs.

She slowly nods and looks elsewhere. I could tell that she was uncomfortable talking about this but, she was trying to and that's what matters. Neither of us really sat down and discussed what we were feeling at the time and even now so the fact that she's taking the time to do exactly that shows a lot. "What if that was meant to happen." She finally speaks, looking at me.

"What do you mean, my love?"

"Do you believe that once something is taken from you it makes you appreciate things more?"

"Absolutely, I do but can you elaborate, please?" She tosses the bedsheets back and turns her body towards mine, sitting criss crossed, pulling at the hem of her pink tank top. "What if God was giving me a sign. I mean what if I wasn't ready to be a mother which is why that happened. If we're being honest I still need to work on myself and maybe a child just wasn't meant for you and I at the time. I mean how could I be the best mother when I still had a disliking towards Rosemary. What if I would've been like her?"

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