All In It

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In regards to the last chapter, the only thing that makes a male gay is his attraction to another man. 💓

Now happy Sunday and enjoy this update 💚

♡Amini Salazar♡

"Haybae!" I quickly rush over to him and hug him tightly. "Hey ma, it's been a mintue, how you been?" He asks, pulling away. I waste no time showing him my diamond wedding ring. "Amazing actually, yo girl is married now." I extend my hand again and show him my ring that begins to reflect off the lights above us. "Damn, that's a rock!" He exaggerates.

"Your husband sure does love you." I smile and look down at my ring. "And I love him too buuut aside from that," I direct my attention back to him. "Why the hell did Jensen call us in for a important meeting?"

"Ion even know, I just got a text this morning telling us to meet him at his office, it's most likely nothing." I shrug it off knowing that Jensen was a cool guy well, from what little interaction I've had with him he is. I know for a fact that he's nothing like Lexis' ass. "Well I guess we'll have to wait and see." I press my back against the wall and stand quietly along with Hayden. "Maybe we have another shoot together, hopefully I'll have my clothes on this time." I say under my breath. I still wasn't over that photoshoot and that was like six months ago.

"Let's hope so." He mumbles.

We both remain silent until Jensen's office door opens. Out walks Bella with tears in her eyes and runny mascara. "The fuck?" I mumble, stepping to her.

"You good Bella?" I place my hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her but she just pushes me away. "What happened?" I look up at Hayden who was looking at Bella as well. I could tell that he wanted to interfere but for some reason didn't. "I-I don't know. I'll find out afterwards, let's go." He steps aside and let's me walk in first.

"Hello." I greet. Jensen briefly looks up at me and gives me a head nod before looking down at the paperwork in front of him. "Close the door." He tells Hayden. Following his orders, Hayden closes the door and joins me in front of Jensen's desk.

"First off, how are the two of you?" He leans back in his chair and looks at Hayden then myself. "Great and yourself?" I reply.

"Great as well." He replies. "But, we have a few things to discuss." I watch as he unbuttons his suit jacket and sits up. He looks down at the papers in front of him then at Hayden and I. For some reason a wave of nervousness washes over me, I'm not sure if it was the way he said it or maybe just my mind over processing things like always. I had to remain calm though, I couldn't let my nervousness show in front of my boss; that's unprofessional and I'm trying to be as professional as possible. I have to prove that I can handle this shit especially since I'm new to the game.

"I'm not one to sugar coat anything so I'll just cut to the chase. Amini," he looks me directly in the eyes and I try to do the same but for some reason his emerald colored eyes were too intimidating for me. "Nobody knows you even after hosting two events." Okay, ouch.

He wasn't lying when he said he wasn't going to sugar coat anything. "The last time I got any shots of you was in January but those were just headshots so I really couldn't do anything with those. Your last successful shoot was back in December but that still wasn't enough for me. I'd like to say that I manage some of the best models in Los Angeles; every model of mine is either on a billboard, has a commercial or, is on the runway as we speak except for you." He spins around in his office chair and opens up one of his file cabinets. I watch him take a file out and look through it before tossing it on his desk.

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