You Don't Do It For Me Anymore

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♤ Quinten Salazar ♤

"Daddy how long will we be here?" I hear my youngest child ask me. "I'm not sure, darling but not for long." I tell her as I grab her hand. She looks up at me then at Amini who was seated on a loveseat, ready for her first public interview. I personally did not want her to do it but with all the arguing that's been going on with the two of us lately... I personally think that giving my input would do nothing but make matters worse for us; even with all this disrespect I have been receiving from my wife I still take her health into consideration and have to keep in mind that while pregnant she needs to be as stress free as possible.

"Is she starting yet?" Yesenia asks, stepping in front of me right along with Paz who was eating an ice cream. "Yeah did mama do the interview because I'm hungry and want to go home."

"You've been eating since we got here." Osvaldo chimes in, standing to the right of me. "How come we're not out there with her, daddy?"

"I personally am fine with not being our there, I rather stand backstage like I'm doing now and support her. The reason why you guys are not out there is because the interview is about your mother's career."

"What career, she don't model no more." Os butts in.

"That is because she pregnant, dummy." Yesenia says, hitting Os on the arm.

"Wait, how long does the pregnant thingy last?" Lur questions.

"Nine months." I reply, picking her up and hosting her on my hip.

"How long is that?"

"Almost a year."

"How long is a year, daddy?"

"Twelve months."

"Is twelve months long?"


"So nine months is too?"

"Correct." I reply.

"I got a question, what's a divorce?"

"The thing Pa and mama got when we were little." Os answers for me. "It's when you like give your wedding rings back and move apart. Remember how we would see Pa only on weekends." Lur shakes her head in a yes fashion and looks at me. "Daddy is Mimi giving you her ring back?" I purse my lips at her question, looking into her brown eyes not wanting to lie to her but also not wanting to tell her the truth. As of right now the divorce topic with my wife and I are still in the air.

I personally do not want to go through a second divorce but, I also do not want to continue a marriage that is half effort. I keep telling myself that things will brighten up after the pregnancy ends and honestly, I'm praying that it does because I truly love my wife. I want to spend the rest of my days with her on this earth but at the same time. I want what I give to be given back to me, over these last few months I've realized that it has not been that way. Therapy is not an option for us because we did it once and still ended up at one another's throats and with my wife being the stubborn type who chooses to bottle her emotions instead of let them go, it's hard, it could be easy only if she wants it to which she clearly does not.

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