I Hate You, Don't Leave Me

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♤ Quinten Salazar ♤

"Maybe she's just running a little late." My wife suggests opening the refrigerator. I shake my head knowing that was not the case. How can someone run two hours late especially a minor. "Do we have anymore pancake mix?" I hear my wife ask.

"Why do you want pancakes when you have yet to finish your macaroni and cheese?" I glance at the plate across from me looking at the mac and cheese she had picked over for the last thirty minutes. "It was good but after a few minutes I wanted to throw up so now I want pancakes. Do we have anymore pancake mix oh! and strawberries!?" I nod and stand from my seat, walk over to the cabinet on the far side of our kitchen and grab the box of pancake mix that was on the top shelf. "Don't eat too many, you heard what the doctor said." I say, reminding her of what was said today during our fourteen week check up. She was now in her second trimester, the morning sickness had died down but her cravings didn't. I noticed that she had a liking to sweet food and anything that wasn't sweet she'd just pick over such as the mac and cheese on the table. Pancakes with fruit was her go to or sometimes waffles, but that was only when we were home. If we happened to be out and about it was mostly donuts or ice cream, but the doctor stated that she had to eat more high fiber foods along with foods that were good in nutrients and since most of her food intake was sweets she could end up with pregnancy diabetes.

"Firefly, do me a favor and be quiet please. Let me eat in peace."

"I'm just saying. I know you enjoy eating all this sweet stuff but we have to make sure that our baby is healthy. You also need to look into taking that pregancy class the doctor mentioned." I reply. She nods at me and begins making her pancakes while I return to my seat at the table. With it being eleven at night and Yesenia still not home, I was worried. I could not act like I wasn't especially after calling her phone a good five times only to get her voicemail. My wife told me not to stress too much over it but how could I not? She's supposed to be home around eight every night after finishing her community service. Here it is three house later and she has yet to come home.

"I think I should call the police." I announce, looking up at my wife. She shakes her head and grabs a strawberry, taking a bite out of it. "She'll be home soon, don't worry."

"You said that an hour ago." I point out.

"And I'm saying it again, she'll be home soon, don't worry." I release an agitated sigh and stand from my seat. I need to find something to occupy my time until Yesenia returns home.

"Okay, whatever, I'm going to head upstairs and check on our children." She waves me off, shoving a forkful of pancakes in her mouth. I stand from the barstool and begin to saunter over to the staircase of our safe haven. Since Osvaldo's room was first, I check his and see him sitting on the floor of his bedroom, playing his game system. "Sup, Pa."

"Your room is a mess." I state, looking at all the scattered clothing on his bedroom floor. "Yeah I'll clean it up this weekend." He replies.

"No you will not, tomorrow after school you will. You're not waiting until the end of the week to clean up and I thought I told you that you were not allowed to eat in your room." Osvaldo has a tendency to never take his trash out or his food for that matter. You'll always end up finding a sandwich under his bed or just sitting on his desk collecting dust, growing mold. He looks over at his plate of food then back at me.

"Oh yeah, well Amini was so close to eating it earlier so I just ran upstairs. How long she gonna be pregnant Pa. She annoying me," He questions in a serious tone of voice. "She's worse than mama was from what I remember. When are we gonna see mama again?"

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