This Ain't

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♡ Amini Salazar ♡

"Where is your nose, mamas?" I ask Ixora who was paying no mind to me. The candy in her hand was much more important of course.

"Ixora." I call her. She looks up at me and smiles, showing off her teeth which was so freaking adorable. She has four on her top row now and two on her bottom row. "Where is your nose at, baby girl?" I ask her again. She continues to eat her candy before finally pointing at her nose.

"Yes!" I say overly excited, I've been trying to teach her a few things since last month along with her father. I've been teaching her about her body patents and objects while her father has been teaching her words. So far she only has three words down and now three things. "She's smart already." Kendall butts in, looking over at the two of us while getting her makeup done. "She'll be walking soon too, she can stand up but she does fall after a few seconds." I inform her as I watch Ixora crawl over to me. I pick her up and place her on my lap. "Do you want anymore kids?" I shrug my shoulders at her question. I honestly was not too sure about having anymore, I have five already and my pregnancy with Ixora was too stressful for me. I don't know if I wanna go through that again.

I'm fine with the ones I have now plus if I do that's a big ass if, I'd like to wait a few years. Ixora is not even a year yet." I remind her.

"Makes sense." She replies, standing out of her makeup chair. "Well, I need to hurry for this damn shoot. You have a doctor's appointment for Ixora right?" I nod and stand up as well, placing Ixora on my hip. "Yeah, Quinten is picking me up since my car is still in the shop." I walk over to the corner of the room where I had placed my purse and Ixora's baby bag. "So you guys really called off the divorce?" She asks me.

I nod, "So no more Drake?" She asks. I shake my head then roll my eyes. "Nope and I'm waiting for him to get the damn memo." I exhale as we walk out of her dressing room together. "He had the fucking nerve to be waiting for me this morning when Quinten dropped me off like I was his girl or something. I mean the last damn time I talked to him was when we did that radio interview and since then my ass has been dodging him so hard." I admit. Every damn text and call he sent my way I ignored with ease but that didn't stop him from sending flowers to my shoots whenever he got word that I was doing shoots.

"Damn, how did Quinten feel about that?" She asks me, turning down the hallway with me.

"He was mad even though he tried to act like he wasn't so I told him that we can talk about it once we got home after her doctor appointment." I say looking down at Ixora who was still going ham on her candy, I swear if you give her or Lur any candy they're be quiet for as long ass they have it. "But I'll call you later on." I say as I look over at the double doors my husband was entering from. Kendall and I say our goodbyes and part ways. I walk over to my husband and hand him Ixora's baby bag as he gives me a quick kiss on the forehead. We hurry outside and try to get to his car since there was paparazzi everywhere I turned.

Maybe it was a better Idea to just have him take her instead of us going together because I cause too much attention. "Get out my fucking way." I say to one of the paparazzi as I try to get to my husband's car."Move!" Quinten speaks up.

"Can y'all back the fuck up, give us some space, Damn!" I yell, Ixora was quickly getting annoyed from all the commotion and was now fussing in my arms which pissed me off, all this damn attention was upsetting my child and these fucking paparazzi gave not a single fuck, all they wanted was a fucking picture.

"Bitch, don't touch my fucking child!" I swing at one of the paparazzi who had the nerve to fucking touch my baby girl's arm. My husband quickly interferes and pushes the asshole then grabs me by my upper arm, leading me over to his car. I hurry into the backseat and close the door while he walks over to the driver's side. "I know mama, they so mean to us, I know." I tell Ixora, she was now crying and I was mad about that as well as upset. It's one thing to be all up in my personal space but don't do the same damn thing with my baby, I don't care who her parents are, she ain't choose this life and shoving a fucking camera in her face doesn't help at all.

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