You Mean The World To Me

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For some reason the app I use to make the visuals has been an ass so the video has a glitch in it. I apologize but, here's an update. Enjoy 💖

♤ Quinten Salazar ♤

"Fuuck." She exhales, looking down at me. "Do you think she'll be mad if she found out about this?" She asks breathlessly, running her fingers through her her chestnut colored curls. "No," I mutter continuing with my actions. "Okay, wait stop that hurts."

"We can't stop now, just a couple more." I insist.

She glares at me but nods. "Okay, move to the left so I can have a secure hold if not, we'll both get hurt." I instruct.

"Okay, don't hurt me because I'll fuck you up." She warns. I lift my half of the heavy trunk and wait for her to start backing up, she looks over the railing of the small studio I had rented for tonight's event then back at me. "I swear if Amini new about this she'd beat both of our asses." She was probably right but it would be worth it.

"She hates surprise parties, one time she punched me in the throat when I tried to throw a surprise party for her." I watch my own feet while listening to her ramble on until we're finally on the balcony of the studio. We place the trunk down and Kayla wastes no time sitting on it. I take a seat on the wooden floor and release a breath.

"I think she'll love it," I finally say. "This is only apart of the gift I have for her. I flew her cousin along with her sister out as well to celebrate her birthday." I announce. The last time Amini saw Jabari and Almasi was on our wedding day which was almost four months ago. Due to the close bond that she had with both of them I knew she'd be happy to finally see their faces after so long. "Did you tell her that I was coming?" I look up at her and shake my head. I haven't told her about anything. As far as she knows we're not celebrating her birthday this year.

"She had no clue about any of this and I want to keep it that way until later on tonight at the small gathering."

I watch as she nods and removes the black hair tie from her wrist. She pulls all her hair together then secures it in a low ponytail. "Okay then what else is it I need to be doing, I'm sure you didn't ask me to be up this early for nothing and who waits til the last minute to set everything up for a party in the first place?"

"Between taking care of my children, wife and working full time, I barely have time for things like this which is why I'm doing it last mintue but I already purchased everything we need so all we need to do is set it up." I use my hands to push my being off the wooden floor and stand up. Turning around, I look around the spacious studio and visualize where everything I have purchased should be placed in the upcoming hours.

"Quinten, are you in here!?" I smile at the sound of my sister-in law's angelic voice and make my way down the stairs, "Hey we're just-" I pause and look at her in awe, she smiles wide; her smile radiating, blinding me and at the same time calming my soma "You're glowing." I speak stepping to her. "Can I?" I hesitantly ask. She bites down on her bottom lip, nodding. I carefully place my hand on her baby bump, feeling a small kick from the tiny soul growing within her. "You're having a baby girl?" I inquire, looking into her dark brown eyes. "No... I didn't ask for the sex of the baby, I want it to be a surprise." She informs me.

"Well, surprise. My apologies by the way." I remove my hand and take a step back, taking in her image along with her beautiful aura. "How far along are you that is, if you don't mind me asking?" She rubs her stomach and begins walking around the studio, "Almost six months. I was actually pregnant at your wedding but decided to keep the news for another time since it was all about you guys." She smiles, eyes still wandering. "Okay but what do you want me to do, Amini's assistant was kind enough to give me her schedule so we have until six tonight before she starts wondering where you are." I scratch my dark curls observing our surroundings. Thinking of something light for Almasi to do so she wouldn't want any strain on herself or her growing child. "Streamers and balloons." I insist.

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