#45 | Sorry Sam

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Hey guys!

Do me a quick favor and follow me on twitter @smh_Ellie 🖤

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This one is for Stephanie_Golbrock !

Vote, comment, and check out this imagine's song!🙌🏻🖤

{Heads up: be aware of the POV change towards the middle of this imagine!}

{Colby's POV}

"It doesn't feel right to hide this from him, babe." Stephanie said, crossing her arms after taking a bite out of my chicken nugget.

"It's not like I enjoy it, either." I said, dipping my fries in ketchup.

We'd been taking about telling Sam for a week now. Telling him that we've been dating for almost 3 months, and that we kept it a secret this whole time. You see, the three of us have been best friends since high school. The three inseparable band geeks. It was only natural that one of us would end up with her.

With her, I don't believe in the whole a guy and a girl can be just friends bullshit.

Not with her.

She's just the most amazing girl I've ever met. From day one, I knew she had to be mine. I'm not usually cheesy, but when it came to her...

Her captivating eyes, contagious smile, and drop-dead-gorgeous body.

She was my weakness.

One night, while Sam and I were trying to film, Steph texted me. She told me she wasn't okay, and that she needed someone to talk to.

I immediately dropped everything and went over to her apartment. When I got there, we talked about a lot of things. Emotions ran all over the place and the only thing I could think of saying was, "I love you."

And I meant it.

The rest is history. We looked at each other a little too long to just be friends.

Why did we hide it from Sam?

We don't exactly know. We were afraid that once we told him, he'd see us differently. That things wouldn't be the same anymore. The three of us had always made a huge deal on the significance of our friendship. How it would forever be just the three of us. How nothing could tear us apart.

Before moving out to Los Angeles, Sam and I made a pact. A pact that could not be broken, no matter the circumstances. This is something Stephanie did not know about. We promised each other that we wouldn't fall for the same girl. It would only lead to a tragic and agonizing love triangle. Simply a path to destruction. Our friendship would be over and nothing would be right, ever again.

As weeks and weeks passed, it only became harder to tell him. Not telling Sam something out of fear of upsetting him was probably the best way to upset him. The more lies and secrets we had, the harder it got to confess.

When you hold a secret in for so long, it drives nearly every thought and every move you make. You can only hold it in for so long...

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