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It has been a hard couple of days for Viola, she has been preparing for a charity event, calling clients and caterers to help raise funds for the children. Her week passed by super fast, she made sure she invited Mycroft, John and Mary. The three closest people to her, were so proud of what she had achieved in the past year. She was working really hard, trying to perfect the event, while keeping up with her other jobs.

Third Person POV

It was a regular Friday morning in London, Viola has visited Sherlock's grave with flowers. She went over to Mycroft's afterwards for a chat and he promised he would help her out sort a few things for charity.

Little did she know, Sherlock was back in London, in his brother's office shaving and getting ready for his new case.

"I need you to give this matter your full attention, Sherlock. Is that quite clear?" Mycroft asked. "What do you think of this shirt?" Sherlock asked tucking in his shirt. "Sherlock!" Mycroft snapped irritated at his little brother. "I will find your underground terror cell, Mycroft..Just put me back in Baker Street" He glanced at his brother putting his jacket on. "What about John Watson?" Sherlock asked. "John?" "Mmm Have you seen him?" Sherlock asked checking himself out in the mirror.

"Yes, we meet up every Friday for fish and chips!" Mycroft said sarcastically as Sherlock narrowed his eyes at him. "I kept an eye on him, of course... we talk from time to time" "About?" Sherlock asked confused. What would Mycroft have to discuss with John while he was gone?

"About Viola" Mycroft said clearing his throat as he watched Sherlock's reaction change. "What's wrong with Viola?" Sherlock asked giving Mycroft his full attention. "Nothing she's ...okay. Not the way you left her of course. But she's better now" Mycroft informed not giving his brother the full details. "And?" Sherlock asked intrigued to know more.

"Well, still grieving. Hit rock bottom..still hitting it. Must've left an enormous touch in her life" "Of course I did" Sherlock interrupted as Mycroft sighed "Well, don't be too proud. The past two years have been really hard on her, brother mine" Sherlock looked at him confused. "She's drinking again?" Sherlock asked. Mycroft chuckled shaking his head.

"Ah, it would be great if it was the drinking only. She's developed a disturbing drug addiction, for the first year all she did was get drunk..yes. She's suffered a lot of mental breakdowns, and anxiety attacks but she's alive" Mycroft said, his tone changing completely, feeling guilt rise through him.

"Bloody hell, Ema on drugs..that's gotta be something" Sherlock said in deep thought. It was silent for a moment as Mycroft started again "Not only that, she was pregnant with your child" Sherlock's eyes widened as he froze in his place "I have a child?!" He asked his facial expression changing to one of horror and disbelief.

"Not really, she stabbed herself killing the unborn baby. Wasn't able to cope with the trauma" Sherlock's eyes widened even more "She stabbed herself?!"

"You seem so surprised, don't you know Ema?...but then again I don't blame you.. Ema is not herself anymore. She's changed a lot" Mycroft ended sighing as the past two years flashed through his mind.

He gave his brother a moment to recap from the heavy information that unloaded on him. Sherlock cleared his throat snapping out his thoughts "And what is she doing tonight?" Sherlock asked. He was secretly excited to see her. "Well, it's a Friday so she's going out for dinner with John and Mary after she comes here" "She still talks to you? I figured she'd try to strangle you"

"Oh no, she did try to choke me to death..but we're on good terms now" Mycroft informed him as Sherlock's reaction was bewildered. "This sounds odd. Has she lost it completely.." Sherlock stated flatly. "Oh she did, very much. It took us a year and two months to get her out of the shock. I helped a little, after I knew of her drug habit I marched down to talk some sense into her..the next thing you know she decided to start racing, a little crazy yes.. but she's a professional racer now...here is her schedule" Mycroft handed him a file. "She's got a job for each da..ER? She's in charge of that to this day?" Sherlock asked frowning at the file. "She re-opened it, not for assassination of course. It's a self help organization...she's a business woman you might say"

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