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Viola's POV

I woke up two hours later, I was super refreshed. I heard a lot of noise outside Sherlock and John were chatting about the new case. Obviously they made up or something, I went outside to find John was on the laptop face timing with someone as Sherlock mumbled some things under his breath...talking to himself like the psycho he was. I walked in stretching to the living room.

"Viola, just in time, you're coming with us" Sherlock said tossing her the car keys. "What?" I yawned walking up to him. "John what's going on?" I inquired, picking the keys from the ground. "It's this new case-" John started to be cut off by the rude assface who abandoned me for two years.

"Viola, put your shoes on and lets go we don't have time to waste" He ordered me around pulling John up and they both went downstairs as I followed. I took my car out of the garage as Sherlock told me where to go. "Pick up the speed Viola!" He snapped at me in the car. "What the hell has gotten into you?" I snapped back at him. "Please not now!" John sighed in frustration. I decided to shut up.

We finally reached what seemed like a station, Sherlock asked me to park and get out fast. We broke in to a place "Is this illegal?" asked John. "Little bit" Sherlock said as we followed him to a tunnel. We went down ladders wandering about just following Sherlock none of us knew if we're going to the right direction.

When we finally reached a dark area, Sherlock spoke "I don't understand where would it be?!" he snapped, lost in thought. John and I looked at each other in confusion. "What?" I asked and he ignored holding his fingers up to his head trying to think. "OH!" he suddenly said and started running towards the direction of the train rails.

"Wait isn't this live?" I asked afraid to go in. "Yes, perfectly safe if you avoid touching the rails" he said walking forward. "This way" he said walking forward as I followed with John beside me.

"Sure?" asked John. "Sure" Sherlock confirmed.

"Oh would you look at that" I muttered, "This is what you're looking for?" I asked as Sherlock ignored going inside the compartment we found. We both followed, John and Sherlock started looking around. "It's empty" said John wandering with his torch. "Isn't it?" asked Sherlock sarcastically. He opened a seat up revealing wires, he looked up at John "This is the bomb" I rolled my eyes, he's so dramatic.

"What?" John looked down at him. He opened it further "It's not carrying explosives the whole compartment is the bomb!" John and Sherlock continued searching further revealing more wires in the seats "We need bomb disposal" stated John as I looked at him in confusion. We could simply turn it off.

"There might be no time for that plan" "so what do we do?" "I have no idea" "Well think of something" "Why do you think I know what to do?!" "Because you're Sherlock Holmes you're as clever as it gets" "Doesnt mean I know how to diffuse a giant bomb! What about you?" "I wasn't in bomb disposal I'm a bloody doctor!"

"And a soldier!" Sherlock lights the torch up to John's face "As you keep reminding us all" "Cant we cant we remove the timer off or something?" John stammered. "No that would set it off" "See you know things!...Viola you're an assassin you don't know how to dispose a bomb?!" John asked me I sighed rolling my eyes as I saw Sherlock shake his head behind John so he wouldn't see. "Uhh no I just worked with regular carry ons" I lied.

Suddenly the lights came on and the countdown of the bomb began, John widened his eyes in shock "My god!" He took a deep breath as Sherlock started pacing "Uhhh" he started acting nervous. I knew what he was planning, I agreed to his plan because I wanted him to make up with John too.

"Why didn't you call the police?" John snapped "Please just ..." "Why do you NEVER call the police?" John cut him off. "Well, its no use now! ....So you can't switch the bomb off. You can't switch the bomb off and you didn't call the police" "Go John...go now" "There's no point now, is there, because there's not enough time to get away; and if we don't do this... other people will die!"

Sherlock x OC It is what it is Book 2Where stories live. Discover now