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"Hypnosis" I rolled my eyes "Hypnosis.. Ever since when does hypnosis exist?" I asked Mycroft. "Ever since ..a long time ago" John shrugged, we all gathered around the flat to discuss what Sherlock told me earlier. I supposedly killed Sherlock's sister. "It was his final revenge plan, Jim..he had faith in our relationship. Now of course killing an important element to the British government was going to get you in trouble" Sherlock explained pacing slowly.

"What kind of trouble are we talking about here?" I asked, Mycroft's eyes shot to me "Viola, do you remember?" "I said for the billionth time I don't remember a damn thing!" I snapped at him. "You were drugged up, the hypnosis was supposed to be for you to kill yourself after you bad trip...but for some reason Jim knew exactly what was going to happen leaving my sister in the dark I suppose... unless she knew.." "What do you mean she knew?" I asked Sherlock. "She knew... my sister was suicidal, it was obvious from the conversation I and her so she either knew that the thing was going to turn back on her and didn't mind it" Sherlock seemed to have cracked the case already.

"Or she didn't know Jim had that planned for you and her, I'm not sure anymore" Sherlock shrugged "Either way I don't remember, which is perfect" I shrugged as well. "Her case is still open and certain people are questioning my judgement.. and if I'm being biased or not" "Oh I understand now" I glared at Mycroft "You so badly want to put in me in jail so people are not questioning if you're being partial or not" I chuckled back maniacally.

All three turned to look at me, Mycroft sighed as he took out an envelope from his pocket and gave it to me "Look at this document and judge for yourself if they have the right to question or not" He handed me the envelope my gaze steady on his I took it not glancing at it once I coughed up trying to create as much mucus from my throat as possible then spat on the envelope. I opened his suit pocket and placed it back there. John and Sherlock's facial expressions were unexplainable as Mycroft looked irritated and used to my behavior "Are we clear here?" I asked Mycroft, "You're challenging very high authorities Viola. I don't have your back this time" He said coldly.

"I never needed you to have my back, you've always needed me Mycroft. You've always asked for my help, and in the future you always will" I stated in the same tone he used. He arched an eyebrow and chuckled sarcastically, "Oh? I thought you were never going to kill again...but ah oh suddenly now you're at my beck and call if I needed your assistance?" his voice turned from sarcasm to pure bitter.

"Oh such bitterness Mycroft, are you forgetting that I'm capable of other things too? Need I remind you of who was babysitting your brother for the past few years? Need I remind you who was taking care of...certain things?" I looked to Sherlock and John before uttering anything else. "Certain things? What certain things?" Sherlock asked, "Nothing, this conversation is over. There is a court date, hopefully you can make it if you don't have a crime to commit" Mycroft shot at me as I rolled my eyes.

"Sherlock, how did she die?" I turned to him, I needed to get to the bottom of this, I needed to prove that I'm innocent. "Stabbed with a knife" Sherlock responded, "That's not my style of killing though, Mycroft knows that!" it was ridiculous I barely used knives, I was more of a gun person, okay sure doesn't mean I wouldn't pick up a knife if I had to but still... something was off, there was a loose end.

"Its off something is off about this whole thing" John sighed, "So what do I do? I never had to attend court during all my 189 victims" Sherlock turned to me frowning "189?...Jim said it was 187, David was 188 and.. so who is your 189th?" He asked me. I blinked at him "Sorry what I meant to say was 188.. I don't know why I said 189... haha not good with numbers" I laughed it off but deep inside I felt like the number was planted in my head. John looked at Sherlock and Sherlock kept his gaze on me, my face was probably readable very well to him.

"Viola, I haven't actually asked you that directly but be honest with me. Did you or did you not kill Euros?" He asked firmly, his eyes reading my face like an open book as I sighed rolling my eyes "I did NOT kill Euros Sherlock"

Sherlock stayed silent just looking at me "Okay enough, you're doubting my words now" I asked him rhetorically "I am. I have every reason to because countless times you've lied to me, hid stuff from me and who knows what else you're keeping from me... I do have my doubts" Sherlock admitted "Sherlock I gotta side with Viola on this one, just a few days ago you were attacking Mycroft for thinking the worst of Viola" John interfered, defending me.

"Oh he's a bloody genius" I muttered realizing what Jim has done... "What are you on about?" Sherlock asked, "Jim planted this in your head, just like he planted Robert's death in your head.. just like he planted the idea in everyone's head..of you kidnapping two kids before his death...before the fall" I saw Sherlock confused "You may be on to something.." "Sure.. but how do you prove that? How to blame it on a guy who's been dead for years now? How do you get the assassin out of the picture?" I asked him.

"I need a bloody good lawyer" I sighed, "Lawyers are stupid" Sherlock shook his head "Forget the lawyer, I need to figure this out" "The clue must be in something very detailed, Jim functions that way" "Something I should've noticed but did not" "Yes exactly like the number right now, 189, maybe something to do with that drug you told me Euros injected me with" Sherlock nodded, "We need to retrace everything that happened at Sherrinford" John added.

"How on earth are we going to remember every bloody word Jim has said?" I asked, it was ridiculous "We can maybe get like recordings or something" John suggested. "Yeah this would take weeks though, and we need to have something to our side before the court date" Sherlock was frustrated but at the same time excited. This was a case to exercise his brain this time, we weren't playing any of Euros' sick games...maybe it was a game of hers surely but we had more time and more options.

"Mind palace" I looked at Sherlock "Go to your mind palace, do that thing you do" I told him. "Mind palace?" Sherlock looked confused "Of course! Its perfect, this is where all your hyper-intelligence pain in the ass stuff pays off. I didn't marry you for your looks only Sherlock. Go to your mind palace and try to remember all the useless stuff that Jim said" I told him. He frowned at me "Pain in the arse, really?" he rolled his eyes "Not useless though.. Jim likes silliness." He added gesturing with hands, "Yes Jim would take something very silly and turn it into something big, like a clue" John nodded.

"Okay so it has to be something related to you, let's start with phase one, when you killed the governor's wife" John started, "Okay I remember something..." Sherlock put his hand to his head trying to recall a memory. "Something about...treats, in the cell it seemed that you knew about Jim being Euros' treat on Christmas. Where you there when he went five years ago?" Sherlock asked.

"Five years ago I remember Mycroft asked me to be there when he arrived, he walked in and was singing to Queens...we met in the hallway and he made a joke about how I turned sides..from evil to good"I searched my memory for more "Viola close your eyes it helps your imagination" Sherlock advised. "Alright.. after that we all sat down in the office. He fumbled around..he made a pun to Mycroft specifically saying "How would you like me?" when Mycroft said "You're a Christmas present" I wasn't allowed to talk to him I stood there for protection.. Jim went to see your sister and when I walked him out he made a.." I opened my eyes remembering something important.

It was probably visible on my face "You remembered something of importance, what is it?" Sherlock was interrogating me as my eyes widened "Oh no..that cannot be true, I don't think..." I looked at Sherlock and John "What is it Viola speak up!" John urged me

"Do you remember... Euros said he recorded lots of little messages for her and that 'his brother was a station master?' Jim was already jealous from him.. D-do you think?" Sherlock clasped his hand and stood up with glee over his face "Of course! Your brother is alive then, he's not dead!" Sherlock has read my mind. "So what if her brother is alive? I still don't get it" John's face was blank. "This is going to be fun" Sherlock smirked as he texted something on his phone.

Sherlock x OC It is what it is Book 2Where stories live. Discover now