Annoyed to no end

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"How good a shot are you?" He asked, and I suddenly heard Mary "How badly do you want to find out?" She asked. "If I die here, my body will be found in a building with your face projected on the front of it. Even Scotland Yard could get somewhere with that..." He paused "I want to know how good you are... Go on, show me. The doctor's wife must be a little bit bored by now" He said encouraging Mary to go ahead.

Seconds passed, and I heard a gunshot, Mary firing. Sherlock moved away from the chair he cuffed me in and walked away to face Mary. "May I see?" "It's a dummy... I suppose it was a fairly obvious trick" She said. "And yet, over a distance of six feet, you failed to make a kill shot....enough to hospitalize me, not enough to kill me. That wasn't a miss...that was surgery. Ill take the case" Sherlock said, his voice calmer than before.

"What case?" Mary asked firmly. "Yours. Why didn't you come to me in the first place?" Sherlock asked. "Because John cant ever know that I lied to him. It would break him and I would lose him forever....and, Sherlock, I will never let that happen!" She paused "Please... understand there is nothing in this world that I would not do to stop that happening" Mary continued, her voice cracking slowly. "Sorry" Sherlock apologized "Not that obvious a trick" He said. Silence fell over.

I heard Mary gasp, "Now talk, and sort it out. Do it quickly." He said shortly afterwards. I found he headed back to me, his silhouette approaching me. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. "Can you get up?" He asked, clearly toying with me enjoying the situation I was in. For once, I wasn't the one in control here. I shook my head glaring at him. He smirked taking out his cell phone texting someone. He was enjoying this way too much. "We're leaving, Billy is waiting outside with your car..." I shot him a glare as he held my shoulders up, I rose to my feet, his weight supporting me. "Mphmmphmmm!" I tried to speak, I wanted him to take this crap off my mouth.

"Not yet" He said, as if reading my mind. He wrapped an arm around my waist to support me, my legs felt weak and a little numb. I was moving slowly, "Can you walk faster? We don't have all day" He said casually. As if he wasn't the one responsible for drugging me earlier. As if he wasn't the one responsible for the situation I was in. What an arsehole.

I tried to speak but the damn thing made me squeak out stupid noises that made him chuckle. "Fine, Ill remove the tape just don't start rambling off" He said and I nodded. He let go of my waist and my eyes widened I felt myself going down, and right before I hit the floor he caught me. Such a drama queen. He lifted my chin up and removed the tape off my mouth I grimaced silently at the pain. "You're an arsehole!" I spat at him. "Not that again, don't make me leave you here all drugged up with the spiders to eat you" my eyes widened. How did he even know that? I stayed quiet as he helped me up, supporting me as we went down to the car. "What kind of drug did you use on me?" I asked him quietly.

"I really have no idea, Billy did this to you" Sherlock said as we reached the car. Mary and John were downstairs already waiting in the car. John did not even look at me. He must've been seriously pissed off with me and Mary. I don't blame him.

"Billy, do you mind opening the door?" Sherlock asked as Billy opened the passenger door and he shoved me in. No one spoke a word as Sherlock drove away in MY car. I glanced at Sherlock, he was focused on the road. Billy was sitting in between John and Mary. If this was a cartoon I could see a black cloud over John's head from how upset he was. I chuckled quietly at my thoughts.

Sherlock glanced at me "Hilarious situation isn't it?" He spat. I rolled my eyes "You wanna control my laughter too?" "Inappropriate behavior, as per usual" He sighed, as if signaling he's already sick of me. "Oh please, that's coming from you?!" I spat at him. "I wont have this conversation. I'm not stooping down to your mentally challenged self" He glared at me, stepping on the gas obviously furious with me. "Focus on the road, instead of your silly remarks" I shot him a glare myself.

Sherlock x OC It is what it is Book 2Where stories live. Discover now