Plan B

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"Hey Viola...How long has it been now?" Annabelle asked me for the billionth time now. "Five hours probably" I answered regardless of my irritation. My body was burning up like it was being burnt with a match slowly but painfully.

"Hey Viola..." "Damn it Annabelle! What now?" I snapped at her, my pain getting to my mind. "Viola, if I run away wouldn't you want any help... you know escaping here yourself?" Annabelle asked, I knew exactly what she meant. It was sweet, but I did not want her getting caught up with shit she could not handle.

"Annabelle what we agreed on is not changing, Paeta and do not look behind. Look after yourself that would be helping me out. Clear?" "Yes"

"Good..." I sighed, I felt like throwing up so badly but I held it in I knew what was coming next and this could really be the end of me. My body, ever since poisoned back in France, was not normal anymore and I had been coughing out blood for a while now.

My father suspected it would be some crappy disease but hasn't told me, Aline was simple minded and she accidentally let it slip. Any sort of drugs or poisons introduced to my body will probably affect whatever it is I'm suffering from.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the lights shut off and everything went dark, I blinked a couple of times trying to make my eyes adjust to the darkness. It wasn't like I could attack or anything, I was way too paralyzed for that. However, I knew exactly how to get Annabelle out of this before anything could happen. I was also certain no one would hurt Annabelle if she escaped. If what I'm suspecting is true at least.

I heard foot steps, so someone must've turned the lights off and was coming towards us. "Anna,someone is coming be calm okay?" "Yes" We whispered to each other, I heard the footsteps coming closer. It was a guy and a girl, a girl with heels probably. Could this be one of the comity members?

That would be funny. A comity member beating me at my own game. I chuckled mentally and realized it was not really appropriate to be amused by my own humor at a time like this.


"Exactly 18 hours missing, no ransom note yet" Sherlock sighed rubbing his temples then down to his beard. John and Mary were eyeing him cautiously. He did not sleep yet and was restless, he had a gazillion paper on his desk, his floor, the wall, and basically everywhere.

"Sherlock, how did the comity investigation go exactly?" Mary asked pouring coffee. Sherlock smirked and shook his head "Horrendous, terrible, very very unpleasant and they're all too stupid for something like that. I can see exactly why she hated the meetings. In another situation I would've assumed she was the kidnapper... probably hated them enough to kidnap herself to escape"

John narrowed his eyes at Sherlock "Never in your life would you act appropriately, yes?!" he snapped at him. "What are you so jittered up for? You weren't even talking to her!" Sherlock shot him a glare.

"Okay ladies, this is not the time to get in an argument. Let's focus our energy on Viola" Mary snarked taking a sip from her cup.

They both went silent, and mimicked Mary drinking from their own mugs. "Sherlock, how was the meeting with Mr.Ricci?" Mary asked, she was starting to add the suspects up.

"Dreadful, too full of himself. His brother's a creep as well..."

"Annabelle's uncle? What's his position?"

"Don't know, he sat there quietly listening while he was on the phone texting the whole time. Didn't even get his name"

"That's a little odd... But I highly doubt her uncle would abduct her"

Sherlock x OC It is what it is Book 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ