The New Case

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"The problems of your past are your business, the problems of your future are my privilege"

Mary woke up sweating, she's had a terrible nightmare, she checked her phone and found no text messages today. It was beginning to torment her, someone was after her. After her, and after Viola. This was about a job they've done together. She couldn't figure out who, she couldn't figure out what this loose end was. She picked up her phone and texted Viola

'We need to talk, be discreet, and armed. TI 2'


Viola's POV

"What mistake did Mycroft make, answer me!" Sherlock demanded, his voice was threatening. My phone alerted me of a text and I looked up at him. Within half a second, my phone was snatched away from me. "Mary, does Mary know?" Sherlock asked reading my phone, "No" I responded truthfully trying to take my phone from him but he caught my hand, tightening his grip on it sending me a warning shot. "What the bloody 'ell is that?" Sherlock snapped showing me the text. "...I have no clue" I snapped back at him. "Mary has no idea I swear to you" I told him, he was not buying it.

"What is this about then?" He asked his tone was firm and I couldn't fuck around anymore. "I don't know but Ill find out. She expects me to be at the intersection of the bridge in two hours. Expects me to be discreet, which you ruined" "You weren't going to tell me about this if I haven't checked your phone" Sherlock noted. "Your life could be in danger right now. I hope you realize this. It's not smart what you did" I snatched my bag and keys. "I expect the full truth out of you, when you're back" Sherlock said.

I slammed the door behind me, it was the first time I step out of the flat ever since I gave birth. I realized that and I realized Sherlock wasn't as good as I was in shooting, what if something were to happen in my absence? I stopped in my tracks and looked back at the front door, I walked back upstairs opening the door to find Sherlock texting madly on his phone.

He didn't even look up from his phone, "You're back did you forget your attitude here?" he shot at me. I rolled my eyes making my way to the bedroom, I opened my closet and went through my drawer to find my protective vest and a gun. I went back to the living room and put the gun on the table, "Take your shirt off" I demanded. Sherlock arched an eyebrow at me not moving, "Now Sherlock" I climbed to his lap and unbuttoned his shirt since he wasn't obeying. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked watching me.

"Protecting what's mine" I responded flatly. I took his shirt off and put the vest on him tightening it. He put his shirt back on eyeing me, I hugged him tight and whispered "I love you no matter what" I felt him hug me back as he cupped my face in his hands "If you're not back in an hour I'm going after you" he said. "Deal" I smiled at him, he pecked me and I got up handing him the gun. "Take care Sherlock" He nodded.


"I'm so glad you came, did Sherlock suspect anything?" Mary hugged me, and I nodded "It's Sherlock" Mary rolled her eyes "John is going to find out then" I nodded again. "I cant let anything slip in front of him" "Tough being you" Mary sighed. "So what's the deal here?" I asked her, and she looked around. She took out her phone and showed me two texts.

'Two down, three to go' - Private Number

'Three down, two to go' - Private Number

"There's one month difference between the two texts. One on the 15th of April, the other on the 15th of May" "What's today's date?" I asked, "June 10, but thats not all Viola" Mary said, clicking something on her phone. "Look at that"

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