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Baker Street

"Well done, Viola we're very proud" John commented sarcastically. "WOOOO I KNOW!" Viola sprinted upstairs passing Sherlock and John on the stairs. She was feeling ecstatic because she won first place in the practice competition..and based on that she deduced she shall win the actual legit competition. 

Viola was over the moon and her lover was too, he thought she did splendid out on the race track today. "John!" Viola grinned "DID YOU SEE ME OUT THERE?! AAAAAAAA HAHAHAAAA" She was jumping up and down with excitement. John, Mary, and Sherlock sat down watching the professional racer express her enthusiasm like a child.

"Viola, you might want to stop jumping up and down the chair before you break a leg" Sherlock observed his childish girlfriend's behavior. "WOOOOOOO I WIN EVERYONE ELSE IS A SUCKER!" John and Mary chuckled "It looks like you're the one with the babysitting job now Sherlock" said John sarcastically. 

Sherlock sighed "It's a cross I have to bare" a newspaper went flying to Sherlock's face. "Oh lord" muttered Sherlock catching the paper with his hand. Viola went down the chair and brought the champagne bottle from the table catching her breath from jumping too much.

"Are we celebrating you two making up? Or you getting the first place?" Mary teased Viola. "Sherlock!" Viola slapped his shoulder "I told you not to say anything yet!" she scolded. 

Sherlock rolled his eyes "And I clearly told you to cover this up" said Sherlock quietly waiting for his energized girlfriend to calm down. "Oh right... Well we got back together last night" grinned Viola smothering Sherlock with a tight hug. "We can tell" Mary remarked as John started chuckling.

"To the happy couple!" John toasted as they all drank. "Dress shopping tomorrow?" Mary asked Viola who was drinking from her glass. "Mmm" she gulped her champagne making a sour face then spoke "Yes! Lets do that! Oh my god John you're getting married! WOOOO..." she grinned realizing the three were looking at her in amusement. 

"I have got to chill eh!" "No, it's good we haven't seen you this happy in a long time Viola" said John entertained with his sister who was pouring more champagne. "Viola, have you no self control?" Sherlock scowled at her getting up to take the glass from her.

"Ehhhh! Sherlock why do you always have the need to ruin my fun" she pouted as he rolled his eyes coldly "That's enough, Viola, you know well I'm not fond of your drinking" he scolded her putting the glass away from her.

 Viola crossed her arms still pouting "Look at you two! Aww John isn't that sweet?" Mary commented chuckling. "It is, Sherlock expresses his care like that Viola... you know best" John winked at her as she smiled blushing.

A knock came on the door, Viola stood up excitedly opening it and in walked Mycroft, looking furious, and glaring at Viola. "Hello to you too Mycroft, what's up your ass? You have a huge knot on your forehead if you keep scowling like that you'll age horribly, face filled with wrinkles and you get th-" Viola was rambling when Mycroft cut her off "Stop rambling!" he snapped at her. She stayed quiet waiting for him to talk "What's the matter?" asked Sherlock.

"I need to have a few words with Viola...and congratulations brother dear" Mycroft said with venom dripping from his tone. "What did you do Viola?" Sherlock snapped in irritation. She frowned at him "Nothing" Mycroft grabbed Viola by the arm as the three watched.

"I need Viola in my office at once" Mycroft said walking out. Mary looked concerned because she figured it might be something related to the wet work she's been hiding from Mycroft. "Mycroft... relax I'm not going anywhere what's the matter?" she asked innocently.

Sherlock x OC It is what it is Book 2Where stories live. Discover now