Chances and Plans

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"They went in, took the girls, walked out like nothing happened" Lestrade was inspecting where the crime recently occurred. "We found this weapon on the floor, although it does not seem used" He continued.

Sherlock was checking the place out for himself, and when he saw the knife he knew it was Viola's "This is Viola's, obviously the kidnappers were prepared, she did not even have the chance to use it" He deduced.

"I'm not too worried, those kidnappers were over prepared thats the only way they could get past Viola. I remember her mentioning they were amateurs" Mycroft interrupted.

"Doesn't matter, amateurs or not!" Sherlock snapped, "Why on earth would they take Viola along with them? If they planned this out properly, they would know having Viola beside Annabelle is risky not to mention stupid, taking the protector why?. A new member to the comity... this makes no sense. Graham, can we check the fingerprints on this knife?" Sherlock asked pacing back and forth.

Greg glared at him and shook his head sighing "Greg, it's Greg" He corrected and they all left the place.

Baker Street

"It's a waiting game right now, we can do nothing until we get the ransom note..." Sherlock told his best friend. Mary and John were over and they were expecting Mr.Ricci with Mycroft anytime now.

"Sherlock, you know that Viola is tough. Tough enough to take 20 guys at once using just a knife. What the hell happened there? This is unusual" Mary was putting her cleverness to use.

"You're telling me that? This is what's off about the whole kidnapping. They're supposed to take a girl, one girl however when another one happened to jump in, knowing it is Viola she probably made it obvious she was going to attack.." Sherlock started explaining his hands to his head, linking everything together slowly.

"..the men decide to knock her out before she even makes a move, she did not even fight back no signs of struggle" Sherlock went on but John gave him a questioning look "Okay Sherlock, slow down. Don't go blurting off things and give us that look" "What look?" Sherlock scowled at John.

"The we know what is going on look! Explain with more details, and wipe that look off your face. It makes you look like an arse" John snapped.

"Fine, fine I'm saying that when the men saw Viola walk in, they might have been prepared or they just saw her walk in, panicked and drugged her with chloroform or knocked her unconscious, this I'm sure of" Sherlock explained.. and Mary nodded continuing...

"Exactly, Viola would have made a huge mess if she struggled let alone if she put up a fight. What about the knife?" She asked.

"About the knife, if you haven't noticed not only the knife was taken off, the strap was taken off with it. What does that tell us?" Sherlock asked John and Mary. They both looked confused, Sherlock then sighed and continued.

"If Viola had taken it off herself to attack, she would've taken the knife itself not the strap with it. Except that her knife and the strap was dropped off as if the kidnapper took it off himself. We would not know there was even anything remotely unusual if it wasn't for that knife, the kidnappers left no trace of their crime" Sherlock ended while Mary and John seemed to be in deep thought.

"Sherlock, if you're saying that Viola did not take the knife off herself...and that the kidnapper did. How would he know where Viola would put her knife? Isn't she like a walking weapon machine?" John asked and Sherlock's eyes lit up.

"Yes, and Viola had nothing but a knife on her. The kidnapper has been tracking Viola too know that she stuffs her knife at the top left thigh. The kidnapper was in the last comity meeting Viola attended" Sherlock said.

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