Baby Names

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Mycroft chuckled "Your mental breakdown is speaking, thats not you speaking" "Mycroft, this is not the time to be laughing, I am serious" "Forget it. You will not speak those words again Viola" "Mycroft, I'm desperate" "See a therapist then, running away never solves the problem. Never" "You're forcing me to act on my own." "Your name is at every border, you cannot escape the country. You're under my watch" Mycroft seemed to have taken action before Viola could act. There was no changing his mind. "Fine" Viola got up, realizing her attempt was a fail she knew she had nowhere to run away to.

The minute Viola stepped out of Mycroft's door, she found Sherlock outside, she was taken back a bit. She hadn't expected him to be there. Their eyes met, Sherlock towered over her and looked her in the eyes, his eyes showing so many emotions she couldn't read. Confusion, hurt, anger, and much more. "Sherlock...of course, Mycroft told you I'd be-" "I can read you like an open book, I don't need Mycroft's help for that" Sherlock spoke quietly.

Viola nodded, looking down "Look I understand, we need to talk but-" "Are you willing to have this conversation in our home?" Sherlock asked, his question was simple but indirect, and had more than one meaning. She interpreted it, he was asking her if she wanted to quit, and leave him for the umpteenth time. "Look can we discuss this properly without your clues and puzzles in the conversation?" She was too tired, she hadn't slept and was still recovering from her shock. She couldn't deal with Sherlock's mysterious ways of conversation.

"Take the decision, are you willing to discuss this at our home?" Sherlock asked her, his tone more demanding. "Why are you putting me under pressure Sherlock? I barely recovered from last night. I've failed miserably, miserably Sherlock. I'm not sure what kind of conversation I want to have with you and I'm certainly not sure if this whole thing makes sense anymore!" Viola finally spoke up, her tone getting higher matching his.

"If you're having doubts about coming home, I understand. As a married couple, I think this makes it our problem, for once Viola, I want you to communicate with me. Do your side of the deal and I promise you, we will find a solution. I cannot bare the idea of you leaving. We're expecting two kids in a month or so. I don't think this is the right time to freak out and leave" Sherlock made his statement clear, he was doing his part of the deal for once. He was acting like a normal husband trying to care for his wife and it was Viola's turn to take the same actions.

"Sherlock, I love you, I want us to be a normal family, I don't want anymore loose ends...but my whole life is a giant hole filled with loose ends and I don't think we can ever solve that. If you do have a solution for that, then I'm coming home with you" Viola stated her part now and it took Sherlock less than a second to grab Viola's wrist and pull her in for a hug. His chin rested on top of her head as he sighed in relief.

"Even if there was no solution for that, it doesn't mean I'd let you go. We'll find a solution, I understand you're in shock and the past twenty four hours haven't been the easiest on you. We can take a small vacation, take your mind off things. I think thats the best thing for us to do right now" Sherlock knew exactly what to say, it was obvious he was trying hard. Viola pulled back a little bit to look at him, taken back from what he suggested. "Did you just say that? Not in a million years I thought I'd hear that from you"

"I'm willing to do anything for your comfort. I want us to get through this together, because I am bloody sure I wont give up on you ever Viola" Sherlock assured her, kissing her forehead. Mycroft opened his front door, his hands crossed over his chest watching the scene before him. "Impeccable timing, brother" Sherlock narrowed his eyes at him. "Isnt it? You are on my property though" Mycroft shrugged.

"We were leaving anyway" Viola rolled her eyes "Obviously we cannot see the one hundred guests lining up to come see you Mycroft" She smirked at him. Mycroft raised an eyebrow at Sherlock "What exactly did you say to her I wonder... not two minutes ago she was begging me to send her...out of the country" Mycroft said, choosing his words carefully. "I would love to tell you what he said, but we have some things we need to get to" Viola remarked as she held Sherlock's hand leaving to their home.

One Month Later

"GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!" Viola yelled down at her now huge belly. Things have died down the past month. Ever since Vivienne's incident, Sherlock and Viola took off to Spain and had a three week vacation there. It was much needed, for the two of them. John and Mary had grown even closer to each other ever since the incident. It taught the four of them to value life even more, to value their friendship, to value love and to create an even more sacred bond between each other.

When the happy couple returned from Spain, Viola started experiencing some pain and it was clear she was due any day now. "Viola, would you stop yelling? I don't think they can understand yet" Sherlock said casually typing away on his laptop. Viola exhaled loudly, showing her frustration she threw a tissue box at Sherlock, but he caught it narrowing his eyes at his wife. "I don't think your quick wit is helping with my fucking back pain Sherlock!" Viola snapped at him.

Sherlock shut his laptop and walked over to Viola, "Do you want me to drop you off at the spa?" "No" Viola snapped. "Are you hungry? Do you want me to take you out?" Sherlock asked sitting beside her. "No, I want you" Viola pouted, her mood-swings were coming a lot often now that she was due. "I'm right here" Sherlock said pulling her figure to sit on his lap. "Sherlock, let's talk baby names" "I thought we agreed" "We never had a discussion to agree on anything Sherlock"

"I think we can decide on picking one name each, its fair enough" "I want to pick the girl's name" "I already have something in mind for our baby girl" Sherlock smiled, "Aww how sweet, you do, what is it?" "Emeraude" "Oh hell no, we are not naming her after one of my identities Sherlock" "I like it" Sherlock shrugged. "I thought you wouldn't want anything related to my past catch up with our future" "This isn't a loose end, I knew I loved you before I knew your name Viola. I fell in love with you when you were Emeraude and I think it's nice to keep it on"

Viola looked at Sherlock with surprise, over the years she has been with him, she never expected to hear such sweet words coming out of him. "I think this is the sweetest thing you've ever said to me" Viola said, tearing up a little bit. Sherlock frowned, "Whats going on why are you tearing up if its sweet?" he asked caressing her cheek to soothe her. "I don't know, hormones" Viola chuckled.

"I still haven't got used to that" Sherlock stated, "What about the boy?" Viola asked, "It's for you to decide" Sherlock said, "What about the name Joseph?" "French name, no" "Edgar?" "French" "Ryan?" "Irish" "What's with you? I'm trying to pick a name!" "You're making our baby sound stuck up" Sherlock shrugged. "Edgar isn't stuck up, I like Edgar" "We're not naming him after a poet" Sherlock shook his head.

"Fine you pick. I don't get a say in this apparently" "How about Aaron?" "I'm sorry are we having a douchebag who plays soccer and sleeps around with everything that moves?" "Tom?" "So kids in school would associate him with Tom and Jerry, no" "Gustave?" "My baby is not the head of a Russian mafia forget it" Viola frowned at him "Are you going to come up with an excuse for each name?" "Well you picked stupid names, what can I do?" Viola shrugged.

"You think about this and take your time with it, someone as picky as you would take ages to like a name" Sherlock said bored, "I like your name, I'm not that picky" Viola shrugged, "I think one of the reasons I thought you were interesting is because of your name actually" Viola admitted smiling.

"You want to name the baby after me?" Sherlock asked weirdly. "Oh no definitely not, it's wrong on so many levels" Viola shook her head, "Wrong how? I don't follow" Sherlock was confused, "Your name is hot, it would be wrong to name my child that" after hearing that Sherlock burst out laughing. "My name is hot? What does that even mean?" He chuckled, and Viola took the time to admire his beautiful features. It's rare for her to see him in a good lazy mood. "I'm not sure how to explain it" Viola said thoughtful. "How about Elliot?" "I like Elliot, it sounds like a genius" Sherlock thought, "HE sounds like a genius, our baby is fully human love, unless you're half human half something else" Viola corrected him.

"Not used to this yet" Sherlock smiled, "I cant wait to see how you'll deal with our children, you're going to be one hell of a father" Viola said, "And you're going to be one crazy hell of a mother" Sherlock smirked.


Enjoy the calm, cute events for now my dearest readers because... The east wind is coming :P

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