Mister and Mrs. Holmes

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Viola's POV

I woke up in a dungeon, I haven't been here in a while, not ever since Moriarty was alive. My clever brother, I remembered I had a dream last night, I had a dream about Sherlock. I smirked "betrothed, marriage, how bloody foolish of him" I stood up from the white cemented walls banging on the door. "HEY ASSHOLE GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I demanded, a part of me knew that Mycroft was watching. The cell door opened, two guards were present at my sight.

"Mr.Holmes requires your presence in his office" "I know, move I know my way out of here" I spat at him, my back felt like a brick. Mycroft was shoving me in dungeons, didn't he understand that I was with child? Sorry, with twin babies?

I marched down to his office, I took a deep breath and chimed in opening the door with force that the door knob connected with the wall making a slight scratch on the white walls. "Ah look who's here! My beloved father of my children!" I smirked, "Viola, sit down" Sherlock said coldly. "Did you hypnotize me last night? How did I get here?" I demanded, "If you take a seat, we can converse about this quietly" Sherlock sighed, he stood up extending an arm to me. I slapped his hand away as I went over sitting on his chair.

"Viola, what you're about to hear is top secret" Mycroft started, but Sherlock put a hand up stopping him from talking. "And?" I tilted my head, "Yesterday night, was not a dream Viola. You had a breakdown when I proposed to you" Sherlock said, his face lacking every human emotion.

I gulped, "What? You proposed to me?" I asked scoffing at him. "Why is that so funny Viola?" "Because marriage isnt something you... ah proposed to me." I nodded in understanding "Let's see what's the case?" I turned to Mycroft. "Impressive" I saw Sherlock looking down at me. He walked over and sat across me as Mycroft stayed behind his desk.

"How many members of your family is alive? That you know exist and that you talk to" Mycroft asked, "Odd question... but alright, there's my father Henry, step mom Aline, lacking siblings" I glanced at Sherlock. "Grandpa and grandma" I shrugged, "There's John but we're not blood related"

"How would you describe your grandpa?" Mycroft asked, I stayed silent for a moment. "I would say... I, the assassin, am a mother theresa compared to him" I shrugged "I suppose you know that though Mycroft"

"This is going to go a lot easier, Viola, we have to do this quick. Unless you want to miss your best friend giving birth" Sherlock stated "Okay? What does my grandpa have to do with anything?" I asked, this wasn't making sense yet. I was waiting for the punch line that would make more clarity.

"To make this progress easier," Sherlock took out the box, the red box, and opened it. "We get married, right now, legally, and Ill tell you what the deal with your grandpa is" Sherlock said, "You're proposing to me for a deal? What's the matter with you?" I sneered at him, "Alot, I've experienced so much tragedy in the past twenty four hours Viola, agree to my proposal and lets get this over with" "Fuck no Sherlock, I-" "Viola don't be a cow today, agree to his proposal you will regret not speeding this up later" Mycroft forged a smile.

I looked up at Sherlock, "I don't care, I don't want to get married to you, you have a lot to explain to me, and this all is weird and... even though thats a nice ring, I don't want to get married like that" I snapped at him "You are putting marriage to shame, I know you're not the biggest believer but you could've at least done a better job at proposing"

"Stop that, I poured my heart out for you yesterday, that is more than enough Viola" Sherlock sighed, "If you're not willing to marry me I'm going to have to take other measures" He got to the point quickly. "Lock me up again?" I asked, "Nope, I'll have to murder your whole family" his words came out with seriousness. "You? Kill my family?" I chuckled at him. "Ha ha, funny, hysterical isn't it? Not me, you're a target, Jim Moriarty is striking. As we sit here, we're losing time" Sherlock explained briefly.

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