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Viola's POV

I rushed out of the flat leaving a startled Sherlock. I wasn't sure of what I said, but I needed to scare him at least. Maybe that would get him out of his mess. Maybe that would bring him back to sanity. I needed to get my life together, in the flat I felt my life was on pause. I was not ready for that. I wanted to check up on John, on my twins.

I drove off to Mycroft, I knew the kids were with him. I knocked on the front door, Mycroft opened up "It's-" "Seven in the fucking morning, yes. Where are the twins?" I asked pushing him aside and invited myself in. "Please come in, its not rude at all" Mycroft said as he lead me upstairs. "What got you out of the flat? And whats wrong with your head?" Mycroft asked. I completely forgot about that. "None of your concern" I told him as I felt my heart light up the minute I saw my kids. "Oh mommy missed you so much!" I hugged my babies. "How are they doing?" I asked, "Pretty well, did Sherlock mention anything about the twins health when they born?" Mycroft asked. I looked at him dumbfounded, "No, what do you mean?" "The kids weren't healthy, Low Weight Birth, occurs when a mom smokes, drinks, or uses drugs during pregnancy...anyway nothing to worry about" Mycroft reassured me. I didn't quiet understand, but whatever this was I was going to fix it. I wanted to be there for my kids.

I sat down on the floor next to my kids, they looked so cute. "What happened to your head Viola?" Mycroft asked eyeing me. I looked away from him, "Nothing" I muttered. He arched an eyebrow kneeling in front of me so I was at eye level with him. "Sherlock?" "Enough" I snapped at him. I saw Mycroft's face fall, "Sherlock bloody beat you? He really has lost it.." Mycroft said to himself. "I'm filing for a divorce, I don't know how I was putting up with his treatment. He's not coming back from it, it's been a while Mycroft"

Mycroft was taken back by my decision, "You're filing for a divorce?" He repeated. "I am, I need to be responsible" I said. "I don't blame you, but give it a bit more time" As Mycroft tried to convince me otherwise, I felt myself leaning more on the decision of divorce. "No, forget it. He's abused me Mycroft, this was the result of his actions" I told him pointing at my head. Mycroft sighed, "You left the flat for him didnt you?" He asked, "Yes" "Where are you staying?" Mycroft asked. "Going to rent a flat, I'm taking the kids. Thank you for everything Mycroft, thank you for taking care of the kids've been amazing to me" I told Mycroft, getting up. "This is not the right decision, Viola. Give it some more time" Mycroft insisted. "Ill think about it, I need some space, I need to check up on John too" I told him, he nodded. "I will always be in touch with you, Viola." Mycroft said. "Thank you" I thanked him once more, taking the kids and heading out of there.

Two Days Later

The past few days, I stayed at the hotel. My mind kept registering the idea of the divorce better, and it sat well with me. I was moving in to the new apartment today, it was furnished already, with lots of sunlight and a nice neighborhood for the kids as well. There was only one loose end, the lawyer.

I have been quiet good at making the kids a nice home, I wanted to hire a nanny but with the trust issues I had I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was thankful for the books Sherlock made me read during my pregnancy because right now they were coming in handy.

One Day Later

I was finally settled in my new apartment completely, I was just finished with the grocery shopping I asked Mrs.Hudson over to take care of the kids while I was out. I told her that I wanted to visit John today as well. I needed to see him, to try and rekindle things with him. I knew he was mad at me and Sherlock but I wasn't going to leave him be without a fight. As for Sherlock he can do whatever the hell he pleases.

"Mrs.Hudson if you need anything ring me, I kept a gun next to the fireplace as well, you know how to shoot a gun I believe" "Dont worry dear, you just go and see whats going on with the idiot doctor" Mrs.Hudson smiled at me.

Sherlock x OC It is what it is Book 2Where stories live. Discover now