What's Next?

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"Where did he go?" I put on my coat, the rain outside was raging. Where did he rush out to? In the middle of the fucking storm he was wandering about. "I got no bloody idea" Wiggins said shaking his head. "Mrs.Hudson!" I rushed downstairs seeing a worried look on her face. "Mrs.Hudson I assume you saw Sherlock from the look on your face" I told her she nodded "Yes, but I got no clue where to, he was talking to himself"

"Ah damn you Sherlock, dont worry Ill call Mycroft" I took out my phone, and it started ringing. Mycroft's name was on my screen blinking I picked it up immediately "Mycroft, Sherlock left the flat but I assume you know that already" I answered. "Hello to you too, any idea what not at all crazy thing he's up to?" Mycroft asked. "No but I'm going to get him, where is he now?" I asked Mycroft rushing out.

For almost three hours I was following Sherlock around, every time I would go somewhere he would change directions then Mycroft sent me a picture of a map. Sherlock's directions got clarified more to me, the map's red lines read "FUCK OFF" and I shook my head at his irrational behavior.

I saw Sherlock at last, next to the bridge he was talking to himself then I watched what he did next and thought this isn't really happening. Sherlock was crumbling down to the floor as he screamed out in agony, I was taken back before I realized I should rush off to his help. "Sherlock!" I kneeled down and took his hands "Sherlock sober up! What's going on?" He didn't answer, he looked at me lost not really aware of whats happening, "Viola" "Come on, lets go home"

Baker Street

"You've had too much and thats me saying it" Wiggins said, I sighed "What the hell were you doing wandering about like a lost puppy?" Sherlock didn't answer, he was mumbling words that I couldn't even understand. He was making no sense, speaking of compulsion to kill, money and what not. "Okay thats enough you've been too drugged up for the past few days, come on time to rest" I took his hand and sat him down on the couch. "Wiggins get me some water, and there is some leftover pizza" I saw Wiggins get to the kitchen immediately. I helped Sherlock take off his coat I brushed his hair to the back and took off his shoes. Wiggins came back with what I asked him to get.

"Sit back Ill feed you" I told Sherlock, he looked to deep in his thoughts I pushed him up to the couch properly and brought the glass of water to his lips "Drink some, God knows when it was the last time you had anything other than the bloody lethal drugs in your system" I saw him gulping the water he drained down the whole thing. "Refill it Wiggins" I said as I cut up small squares of the pizza and brought a piece to his mouth. "Come on eat up" I said softly, this was the first contact I've had with him since days.

He looked at my head then back to my hand, taking the piece he chewed on it slowly. After feeding him I tried bringing him to the bedroom, he was protesting at first but I resumed to my old ways. "I said, get to bed you ill-mannered detective" I was holding a gun to his head and I think his drugged up mind believed I would shoot him.

"Good, now you need some rest Ill be outside if you need anything call me" I said as I watched him look intensely at me. I turned around to leave I didn't want to look at him longer, he hadn't shaved in ages, his eyes were red, his body was shrinking down I couldn't take his sight.. but was stopped by his hand, he held on to me. Not harshly. Not roughly, but for once in a while, gently and with care as he looked up at me. "Ill stay here with you if thats what you wanted" I told him and saw him nod "Thank you"

I watched Sherlock relax a bit as I sat down in bed next to him, "When is this nonsense going to stop?" I asked. "I'm grieving" Sherlock said turning around to his side of the bed. We haven't slept next to each other for a good while. I watched him put his feet up, his shoes still on and he was still dressed in his blue dress shirt and pants. He closed his eyes as he blinked widening his eyes a bit as if trying to become sober by this simple movement. I went over to his side and got closer to him, I slowly unbuttoned his shirt as he watched the contact between us, I could tell he was fully relaxed, possibly from the drugs. His shirt was unbuttoned, his chest fully in my view torturing me "Lead a bit forward, so I can take it off" I muttered to him. I leaned in closer undressing him, taking off the right sleeve off his right hand but was stopped by his sudden movement. He pulled me closer to him, his lips crashed into mine. He was so inebriated, his kiss was unfocused, hungry, lustful. I didn't kiss him back, I wasn't feeling it, I wasn't feeling like touching him this way.

Sherlock x OC It is what it is Book 2Where stories live. Discover now