Jessica who?

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Viola's POV

I've killed hundreds of people over the past years, but I've never been caught in my life, not once. I've never thought in my life that I would end up in a prison cell with a bunch of bloodthirsty criminals. They're all mentally unbalanced here. I've met a few people to begin with, Yolanda, she's a total bitch. There's Cornelia, she's a total bitch. Gabriella, also a total bitch. Well, you get the drift then. I am surrounded by my kind. They all needed a bar of soap in their mouth, all needed therapy, and some soul cleansing.

Life in prison wasn't what I expected it to be, it's a lot less thrilling to say the truth. Everyone is cranky here. So was I, not only was I in prison but I was pregnant too. Which was horrible, this whole prison experience was pure torture because I was hormonal as hell. I was craving so many things, but all I got was rubbish grub from this place. The meals are either undercooked, overcooked, or just had too much snot. Yes, snot, the chefs probably hate their lives and sneeze in our food. In general, I didn't really eat. I was too scared to catch a virus or something.

Sherlock hasn't visited, John and Mary didnt. However, I had a surprise visitor. It was the last person I've ever expected, it was my dad, Henry. The last time I saw my father we had a huge argument so I never really thought he would forgive me for getting pregnant and all that. He was nice about it, he probably shoved some happy pills before he came to see me knowing he'd only come in for a lecture.

I learned that my grandpa was coming soon, and my father asked me to "get my criminal ass out of prison" before grandpa comes or he was the one to have a fit. My grandpa isn't a very nice man. Scratch that, my grandpa is as evil as Jim, but only when it comes traditions so if he learns I'm pregnant he probably would join me in prison.


Third Person POV

"Until when exactly are we supposed to be waiting?" Mary whispered to Sherlock as they hid behind a rounded table waiting for Rohan to come. "It didn't hit midnight yet, relax Mary" John snapped at her. The two weren't doing so well lately, for God knows what reason. Constant arguments and past life kept coming up.

"Shh, I hear something" Sherlock notified them as they all stood their ground waiting. Light, very light footsteps were heard and the lights turned on. Ahead of them stood, a tall man, probably a body builder, tattoos went from up his shoulder down to his wrist, he was bald and his eyes screamed danger. He just had that kind of aura around him. A criminal.

Sherlock rose from where he was hiding and walked towards the man who had a cold expression on his face "Peter Rohan, isn't it?" Sherlock asked, sarcastically. "You've been expecting me detective?" Rohan was being witty.

Sherlock smirked at him and approached the big man "Indeed, I thought I'd meet the witty man who's gotten Theresa into prison" Rohan smirked wide and suddenly started laughing, his jaw opening 2 inches and his laugh roared the building. "You... ah I like you, no wonder Theresa keeps you around" He said, surprising Sherlock.

"I was told I'm a very amusing man" Sherlock mocked as Rohan approached him with the same smirk on his face. He stood before Sherlock towering over him. (You can now imagine how tall this guy was) "Indeed, they say you can test someone's intelligence by how quick they can mock you. I'd tell you, you seem intelligent by the quick wit you have" Rohan said, smirking down at Sherlock as Sherlock gave him a quick fraud smile to mock him even more "You're man of many words Mr.Rohan" he said signaling that he wanted to get over with this 'meeting'.

Rohan extended his arms and placed two hands on Sherlock's shoulders as Sherlock gave him a quizzical look. "I suppose you're after the Red Argyle, let me tell you it's nowhere near my shoulders" Sherlock said, Rohan threw his head back in laughter again as Sherlock sighed next to this mentally unbalanced piece of art God created. "What the bloody hell is so funny?" Sherlock snapped as he pushed Rohan backwards a little, amusing him even more. "Aww come on! You've got no sense of humor Sherlock Holmes!" Rohan said, as he approached Sherlock one more time, placing two hands on him as he pulled him into a hug. Sherlock's eyes widened as he tried to register what the hell was going on.

"This is getting weird, what is this guy doing?" Mary whispered to John, who was giving the same scowl Sherlock was giving. Rohan broke the hug and grinned "Sherlock Holmes, it's very pleasant to meet you. Now to get into business" He cleared his throat. Sherlock cocked an eyebrow at him "What the hell did you just do?" He scowled at him.

"Greeting you, thats all. Thats how I greet my enemies" Rohan explained as he sat down on a leather chair. "I'm so glad I'm not a friend then" Sherlock mocked him as Rohan started laughing again "Oh... you! Hahaha! You, one hell of a guy" Rohan said nodding at Sherlock in approval. Sherlock's patience was getting thin, he cleared his throat and started again "Let's get into business shall we?" Sherlock asked. Rohan nodded "I suppose you're getting bored, well I am after the Red Argyle. You give me the gemstone and I bail Viola out of jail. I'll turn in the actual murderer. Do we have a deal Mr.Holmes?" Rohan asked, his expression completely changed from that of a comical person to a cold blooded murderer.

"We do have a deal, you can count on that. Once Viola returns home, I'll make sure your precious gem is in your pocket" Sherlock assured him. "Ah, wonderful! Can I trust you wouldn't run away with it though?" Rohan asked. "Scout's honor" Sherlock said as if giving him a promise. "Alright, alright, you wouldn't mess with me either way. I can put her back into jail and you know that" Rohan warned as Sherlock nodded getting sick of this guy's crap already.

Rohan extended his arm to shake Sherlock's hand, to seal the deal. Sherlock shook Rohan's hand "Mr.Rohan, I wonder if there is more to this deal than you're letting on" Sherlock inquired with doubt in his tone. "Ah Mr.Holmes, all in good time, good time" Rohan said as he let go of Sherlock's hand and turned around to walk away. "This is a part of your game isn't it? You knew we'd come here, you knew we'd agree to your deal. What are you playing at?" Sherlock asked, "Patience is a virtue Mr.Holmes" "How indecent of you, Mr.Rohan" Sherlock smirked as Rohan rose his hand with a wave as he walked out of the building.

"Interesting, this man" Sherlock muttered as he turned around. He felt his pockets, because he knew Rohan placed a paper in there, he saw the details of the exchange on a piece of paper.


Two Days Later

The exchange has finally been done, Viola was out of prison, everyone was celebrating, especially Sherlock. The gemstone has been returned to Peter Rohan. Everyone was happy. That didn't seem right did it? A happily ever after? In Viola's life? Nope, not really. Here is what really went down,

The Night Viola was released, Sherlock was outside pacing back and forth waiting for Greg to give him the news. Peter Rohan was supposed to be here hours ago, but instead he sends Jessica. Jessica was Nate's daughter, a 26 year old psychic. Or so she claims she's a psychic. Sherlock was sitting down, having tea, waiting for Peter. Mary and John were having a quarrel about the baby's name, Josh and Annabelle were at each other's throat for some reason while Mycroft was on his phone...and enter Jessica.

"Hello, are you Sherlock Holmes?" Jessica asked, batting her curly long lashes at the pale looking detective. He looked up from his cup of tea and observed her immediately. "Yes, and you would be?" "Jessica" She giggled, her brown hair bouncing as she giggled. Sherlock rolled his eyes, too tired to deal with an incorrigible brat. He stayed silent and went back to his cup of tea.

Jessica cleared her throat "Mr.Holmes" She called out as he eyed her again "What is it?" He asked, already irritated. "Peter Rohan is dead, he wont be able to make it tonight" She said, faking uneasiness and the deviousness was evident on her face.

"And how do you know Peter Rohan?" Sherlock asked, intrigued now. "Oh I'm an old friend of his. He used to work for my father" She said faking a pout. Sherlock observed her, deducing the woman standing beyond his eyes. "Your father? Am I supposed to know who that is?" Sherlock mocked as Jessica smirked "Duke Nathaniel Bianchi" Mary's eyes shot forward at Jessica as she heard the mention of his name. "Nate?" Mary asked standing up. Jessica nodded. 

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