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"SHERLOCKKK!" Viola nudged Sherlock who was sleeping next to her. "Jesus" Sherlock muttered opening his eyes "Sherlock I think I'm in labor!" Viola said breathing heavily. "Oh God Oh God what?!" Sherlock started freaking out. Viola gritted her teeth pulling Sherlock from his collar bringing him to face her "IM IN LABOR SHERLOCK!" "Okay okay Ill get the bag and the car get dressed!" Sherlock jumped out of bed calling John "Hello?" "JOHN VIOLA IS IN LABOR!" He screamed through the phone rushing to get the car as Viola rushed after him.


"Why are the god damn babies not out yet?" Viola yelled at the nurse who sighed in frustration "Please relax, your cervix isn't fully dilated yet" Viola was lying down on the hospital bed, Sherlock was pacing back and forth, John was waiting patiently watching Sherlock pace and Mary was sitting beside Viola trying to calm her down "Mary, Mary is giving birth painful?" Viola nudged her, "Yes it's painful as-" Sherlock shot Mary a look "Not painful at all, you don't need to worry!" Mary corrected herself. "Damn it, I'm going to die!" the door opened and Mycroft walked in with flowers, "What a beautiful sight" Sherlock smirked, "Hello to you too Sherlock" Mycroft snapped at him.

"Mycroft you're so sweet, you got me flowers?" Viola grinned, "Yes I did" He handed them to her awkwardly "Aww look at you being all soft come here and give your brother's wife a hug" Viola said, Mycroft frowned in confusion looking around "Me? Guys is she on strong medication?" Mycroft asked as everyone started chuckling. "Not yet come here and give me a hug you cold bastard" Viola smiled at Mycroft as he leaned down and hugged her. "I love the flowers, thank you" Viola thanked him genuinely.

Sherlock stepped in, placing a hand on Mycroft's shoulder "Thats enough hugging" He said narrowing his eyes as Viola chuckled "You're so cut-AAAAAHH" Viola was having contractions, Sherlock called the nurse immediately and Viola was admitted to the operations room.

An hour later

"Sir, the patient is still in labor you cannot go in yet. Her condition is a little risky, please be patient" the nurse stopped Sherlock from going in. "What's that supposed to mean? I cant watch my wife's labor?" "Sir the patient's life is at risk, we cant have any distractions inside" "Why is she at risk?" John asked butting in. "Her body is a little weak for twins, but we're doing our best in there. Please just be patient" the nurse said rushing back inside before she got questioned by Sherlock again. "It's okay, Sherlock, Viola's going to be alright and so are the babies we just need to wait" Mary reassured him.

"Did you guys pick names?" Mycroft asked, "Elliot and Emeraude" Sherlock said forcing a smile, "These are wonderful names" Mary rubbed his back to soothe him. It was wonderful how everyone was standing next to Sherlock and Viola in this. Support was much needed especially on Sherlock's side.

An Hour Later

"Congratulations sir, the twins have been delivered" the nurse came out and gave the happy news to Sherlock. "Can we go in?" Sherlock immediately stood up, not able to be patient anymore "Is my wife okay?" He asked again. "Your wife is alright, but the doctor wants to ask you some questions if you can step in" the nurse requested. Sherlock nodded, Mary and John exchanged glances "This doesn't seem good" Mary whispered. "I'm sure they'll be fine"

"Mr.Holmes" the doctor nodded at Sherlock "Doctor" Sherlock nodded at him waiting for his questions. "Your wife's delivery went fine but it seems the twins are suffering from Low Birth Weight" the doctor informed him. "What exactly does that mean?" Sherlock asked, feeling his heart start to race. "Did your wife smoke, drink or abuse drugs during the pregnancy?" the doctor asked. "No, maybe a few times thats all" Sherlock responded waiting for an explanation.

Sherlock x OC It is what it is Book 2Where stories live. Discover now