Pregnant Viola

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Mycroft was driving me to the airfield, I haven't seen Sherlock since last night. Everything was a blur, when Sherlock shot that man, I felt like real life hit me. Like I was the one being shot, maybe slapped in the face. It's ironic because thats how it was with him, always the unexpected.

I spent the night at my parent's, I couldn't face him, I didn't want to. As much as I wanted to stomp my feet, get angry at him, scold him, what was done is done and he is going to prison whether I like it or not. If Mycroft cant get him out of it, then I cant.

My father was not shocked when I told him the news, it was like he knew, maybe that was why he was patient with Sherlock. I don't know. Honestly, I did not know anything anymore. I didn't even have the energy to argue with my father. I was having all sorts of mixed feelings. I wanted to be there for Sherlock but I wanted to stay away from him at the same time. I had a child growing in my belly, probably the reason of all my mixed feelings.

Sherlock did not attempt to make any contact, Mycroft knew of my pregnancy now and he told Sherlock to give me some space... that we'd talk before he had to depart. "We're here" Mycroft's driver announced as we got out.

I looked out the window, Sherlock, John and Mary were all out there. I got out of the car and kept reminding myself to act as rational as possible. I saw Mary give Sherlock a hug and then mouthed me from behind his back to be nice.

I sighed and approached him, he turned around when he saw me and I could tell he was pained. He didn't say a word, just leaned in close to me and hugged me. I couldn't help but return the hug not as passionately though.

I let go of him and we were now just gazing at each other. "You're silent..." He muttered. "I have nothing to say..." I responded without thinking. "Clearly you're upset...but Magnussen had enough to put you in prison maybe even get you executed if he wanted to" Sherlock explained. I couldn't help it I felt my eyes tearing up. "Whatever you did was your choice, but you could've at least thought of a better solution... you are smart aren't you?" I spat at him.

"There was no other choice. I knew you were after him too, I couldn't stand the idea of you killing him, going to prison with a child growing inside of you. Prison isn't a piece of cake" Sherlock said, pretending to be logical about this. But nothing was, nothing seemed to make any sense.

"I know what prison is, you dont. You're a perfect gentleman, who would not commit murder!" I snapped at him.

"You've shot a billion people before my eyes!" He defended. "I'm an assassin, that's what I do!-" "Thats what you USED to do! You have a big responsibility on your shoulders and you should handle it well. You gave me a promise" Sherlock said. We were both being stubborn, even though it wasn't the time. But that was how we were.

Mycroft interrupted us both, telling Sherlock it was time to leave. "I am sorry, Viola. I protect you, I'm responsible for you whether it is something you like or not" Sherlock coldly said. I just gazed into his icy blue eyes, feeling like my world was crashing down on me. This was the moment I'd have to live without Sherlock for a few years...

"Very well, I cannot say I forgive you... because I don't. But I do love you, and unlike you I will keep my promise" I sucked in a breath when I finished talking and I saw something break in his face, he was pained for my pain. He was upset that he's angered me, but he wouldn't admit that to himself even.

I wrapped my arms around his tall figure, and stood on my toes to give him a kiss on his forehead. "Take good care of yourself, Sherlock" I muttered in his ear and he leaned down and kissed my cheek. "I love you" He muttered, breaking our intimate hug. I wouldn't let myself to break into tears right before he departs. I felt like I will have a breakdown soon, but not now. I was still not believing, not responding properly to everything. Everything that has happened so fast. So fast for me to process.

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