New Beginnings

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"How can he be alive? Why would he fake his own death?" I asked confused, "Who cares? He killed my sister, this was the final act from Jim. What a clever man" Sherlock half smiled as I shook my head "Okay, Will was supposed to be dead for like seven years now.. where has he been hiding? What name is he going by?" I asked Sherlock.

We were in Mycroft's office, who was very pleased at the news "That we don't know, but one of the men at Sherrinford told me a man visited Euros once. We caught him on tape, we're just waiting for them to arrive now. We have the tape, we have our killer" Mycroft informed me as he relaxed back in the chair with a triumphant smile on his face. "Identity changing, thats a thing in your family isn't it?" Mycroft smirked at me chuckling at his own joke. I rolled my eyes "Not humoring me ice man" I saw Sherlock narrowing his eyes at him "Leave her alone Mycroft"

"No need to be so grumpy, your wife is off the hook brother dear" Mycroft told Sherlock who was beginning to get irked "I think thats our cue to leave" I said standing up. "Agreed" I saw Sherlock stand up and head to the door. "Viola, before you leave." Mycroft stood up and walked towards me "Thank you for everything you've done, you've been of major help to me all these years" I nodded at Mycroft's attempt to be nice. "Glad to hear that" I responded "I want you to get out of your whole no shooting shock, it's understandable you don't want to be killing anymore. However, you're one of the best agents I have and I want to know I can rely on you in the future" Mycroft was not being sweet for nothing after all.

"Mycroft, no more violence for Viola. She's had enough for a lifetime" Sherlock interfered looking at me studying my expression. "Its a shame to walk away from that life Mycroft, it's very unfortunate and I tell you I will miss that life. But I do mean what I said in my letter" I told Mycroft genuinely. "What letter?" Sherlock asked me, "She sent me a resignation letter, very polite one I must add" Mycroft said. "Respect her wishes then"

"It's hard to walk away Mycroft, but I do need to do my best for the twins. I want to spend my every minute with them. They're all I care about now" I saw him nodding "Very well then, I should confess something" Mycroft cleared his throat as I looked at him confused "This was a test, I wanted to see if you're really done or not"

"Thats just forty percent true. Half of him did wish you wouldn't call it quits" Sherlock attempted to whisper but clearly wanted his brother to hear so he would irritate him. "I'm very flattered Mycroft" I smiled at him, leaning in to give him a hug. Which he completely acted awkwardly to. "It's okay no need for hugging I'm-" "shhh" I shushed him and a few seconds later he hugged me back. "Very well then, if you two are done with this lets get out of here Viola" Sherlock pulled me from my elbow "Christ Sherlock, chill its a friendly hug" I rolled my eyes at him. "Seriously Sherlock" Mycroft gave him a disappointed look "Plus weren't you guys getting a divorce?" Mycroft asked.

Sherlock frowned at me letting go of my hand "Thats still on?" He asked me, I shrugged "I guess it is..." "I think you guys need to talk it out" Mycroft interrupted. "Relationship advice? Really Mycroft? Stick to what you know" Sherlock snapped at him as he dragged literally out of the room.

We walked out of there and headed to the car, "I thought we're okay Viola" Sherlock started clearing his throat as I started the engine "Lets talk about this later its been a rough day for me" I avoided his question. "You're indirectly asking me to close the topic because you're not ready to talk it out. You don't have your reasons for divorce fully prepared do you?" Sherlock pushed on the topic.

I stepped on the gas and shut his words out, not wanting to bring an argument to myself. The car ride was silent, and awkward. Really awkward, we had a small dispute about stopping at red traffic lights. He was so annoying with his demands sometimes.

Sherlock x OC It is what it is Book 2Where stories live. Discover now