Cheating or Grieving?

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It has been three days since Viola was buried, when Sherlock received the news at first he refused to believe it. He was sure it was some sort of trick. But with each passing day, Sherlock started to believe a little less. His bedroom door was the hardest thing to look at let alone open.

"How are you doing?" Mycroft asked his younger brother. "Fine" Sherlock muttered shortly. Mycroft looked at his brother's unshaved face, his hair was messy, and he wore an expressionless look.

He was in shock, he was able to live without her for a while when she moved out. But he did not think this would be the end of it, he did not think he would never get to see her anymore. He thought that they would drift apart for a while, but eventually meet up at John's wedding, maybe bicker with her a little before she said farewell.

His problem was dealing with his emotions, he did not know how to react. John was by his side at all times. Except John was far more broken than Sherlock was, or he was far more expressive than Sherlock is. This was not something to be expected, not one bit.

"Sherlock, maybe you can try seeing my therapist" John muttered, Sherlock didn't pay him any attention, he was zoned out facing the window. His chin rested on his palm with a pensive expression on his face. "Is that how she felt when she thought I was dead?" Sherlock asked scowling with disgust.

John sighed getting up "That is how we felt when we thought you were dead" Sherlock got up looking at the floor. "I never thought I would say this, but I feel dead because of her...this is not something I'm willing to live with..John" Sherlock spoke softly, his voice threatening to break out into a sob.

John looked at Sherlock with surprise, he gulped feeling pity for the emotional Sherlock. He walked over to him and forced him into a hug comforting him. Just like that, Sherlock sobbed like a baby in his friend's arms. He was no longer the formal professional detective everyone was used to. Neither was John... John tried to bite back his tears, "Just let it out, let it out" he comforted Sherlock.

Mycroft watched the two breaking down, he cleared his throat "I'm heading out" he left the flat back to his office. Sherlock was beaten up emotionally, he was mad, mad at the world that took his insane Viola from him. Mad at her for not coming to him, mad at himself for not figuring this out earlier, he's managed to save people before, managed to solve a lot of cases. But Viola brought the brilliant detective to his knees. He was mad at the way they left things between them, he was mad at the last argument that occurred between them that lead them to break up.

He regretted not giving his girlfriend more time, he thought he was going to live his whole life in regret. His mind kept going back to when the doctors told him her heart stopped, and no matter how much they tried to revive her, it was no use. They informed him that she was injected with Hydrogen Peroxide, she was poisoned and the fact that she had let herself go without treatment and without seeking any medical attention brought the chances of survival to zero.

She was reckless of her life, of her health. The doctor explained that the poison usually kills his victims right away, but Viola had a strong will to fight it off until she brought Reine to justice. Of course her husband followed, she brought the mafia members to surrender. She killed off the head, Vladislav and when Reine was brought to justice for questioning... She was stupid enough to slip up leading Omar to reside beside her in prison.

It was a terrible ending, Sherlock thought. He believed Viola had more potential than this. He was correct, but he wouldn't find this out yet.

Viola was a fighter, she was a smart assassin, and her foul proof plan worked perfectly fine.

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