Serene words from the heart

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Hello my lovely readers, I missed this story so much but I was preoccupied with my other story. I hope you like this heart breaking, tragic chapter. It is bound to make you doubt Viola and Sherlock, comment your thoughts :D 

Third Person POV

Viola waited for a phone call from Sherlock, a text message, an explanation to how they went from euphoric to destructive. Plain destruction was overwhelming their lives, Viola went out for a walk that night. She had thought of what could be the explanation to all this, she had so much trust in him that she felt Sherlock was hiding something. He was lying to her, she trusted him so much to not believe the pictures, to not believe the hard evidence affronted to her.

She found herself walking around in London, wandering about, nothing was comforting her. Not the fresh breath of breeze that hit her, not the whirling leaves on that windy night. Not the silence of the night, not the chaos of her own head. "I CANNOT TAKE THISSSSSS!!" Viola took out her gun swiftly shooting at the trees in front of her with tears striking down her face.

She emptied her bullets as the trees took the pounding, her breakdown was shattering the walls and armors she managed to put up with for the past few hours. That 8:00 o'clock was a breaking point for her. She sunk down to the grass, pulling them up with anger as she sobbed loudly glowering at her own reflection in the lake.

"I wanted to wake up to you, I wanted you to be near me,your arms wrapped around me, your whispers caressing my ears, your smile brightening up my world, your eyes sparkling when you hear my heart beat for you, your presence is lingering in my flat..." Sherlock stood behind her, muttering those words with pure agony.

His eyes were blood shot red, when Viola turned around to gaze widely into his eyes. Sherlock's sad smile made her heart ache, "I love you Viola, you have no idea how much my heart is aching, how much your words has fucked me up in every way possible, how terrified I felt, what I said, I said what i protect you and our baby, but I cannot do this, I cannot...pain is killing me, here" He pointed to his chest, tears streaming down his face, "My hollow heart cannot take this, if you would please, forgive me" Sherlock kneeled down on one foot, he took two objects out of his coat.

Viola's eyes widened as she looked down at his figure with pure horror, "I'm a prisoner of your heart, a shadow to your presence, if you will take me Viola, I would forever be blessed, I would give my soul to your beautiful one, despite the lies, the betrayal, and the agony we have caused each other Viola. Will you accept me as your betrothed?" he opened a red velvet box, inside was an engagement ring.

Viola stood there shocked, time has frozen in her head and the last words rang through her ears for a long while. She slowly walked over to him, her eyes were wide, her heart was beating so fast she could feel a burning in her chest, she kneeled down across from him. "Viola, will you marry me?" Sherlock asked, more like pleaded, his eyes burning with passion, his tears showed regret, his lips showed agony for the corners of his lips were turned downwards in desperation.

"Sherlock... earlier today you admitted to cheating on me, you admitted to lying, you have managed to manipulate my emotions in a very twisted way. I cannot trust you anymore, doubt is filling my heart and it cannot get sad enough, how am I supposed to hate you? Because it is, it is the right thing, it is. How am I supposed to forgive you? You're hasty, you've managed to screw up and pain has been keeping my company for a few hours, but it feels like pain has been stuck with me for a whole blasted century, my Sherlock... MY sherlock.." I choked back a sob "How am I to stay with a lying bastard like yourself? How can you live with yourself knowing that you've stabbed me in the back like that?"

"I did say I had an affair with her...but-" Viola cut Sherlock off grabbing him by his shirt as she stood up "You lied to me, YOU DID NOT HAVE AN AFFAIR, YOU DID NOT! CALL ME CRAZY BUT YOU DID NOT! YOU DID FUCKING NOT!" She lost it all of a sudden, "You managed to confess of something you did not do, and now you've confessed your love to me like you never did before, you never said such sweet things to me, despite the situations, you were never so romantic before, if I learned one thing from you, from the deductions you do, is that every word can have a hidden meaning. Your words, your sweet words are asking me to believe you, to believe in you and trust you... Why are you lying to me? What crime are we fighting that you had to feed me such a heart throbbing lie? And I'm warning you, if you are going to lie to me one more time I will kill you, I will kill fucking Delilah, I will commit mass murder in London and I will not hesitate to kill myself afterwards!" Viola spat at him, her eyes raging, her teeth gritted, her voice going hoarse from the infuriation.

"Viola, forgive me, but I have cheated on you. I slept with another woman, I cannot help you if you're not able to believe me. I was not thinking-" "You are NEVER not thinking Sherlock, never. Never will I believe that you have betrayed me, you have more self control, you have way more self control!"

"I was not aware of what I was doing Viola... forgive me, I know it is unbelievable and I am flattered, flattered that you had so much trust in me...and still do, but I want you to accept what I said, I need you to accept that I've cheated on you with another woman. If we can pass this stage in our relationship, if you can move on from this..." Sherlock trailed off as he felt Viola's tears dropping on his face, rapidly, nonstop, and very silently, she was hyperventilating.

Her heart was fooling her, and her mind was doubting itself, she was doubting everything around her, she doubted her own existence at the moment, doubted the ground she stood on, doubted the man in front of her. Once doubt was planted, it would be hard to depose of.

Only one thing Viola decided to do, but before she could open her mouth to utter the words, to decide her fate with Sherlock, her figure collapsed before Sherlock. In Sherlock's eyes, he saw his betrothed slowly fall, her eyes closed, her legs going limp as her arms were caught by Sherlock's, his hands steadied Viola's back as her hair fell on her face. He picked her up in a swift movement, bridal style, he carried her over to a space where John was parked.

John opened the door for his friend, Sherlock carefully placed Viola in the backseat as he sat down with her in his arms. "Do you mind explaining what the bloody hell is going on Sherlock?" John exasperated a sigh. "Not yet, not yet, John. Targets wait"

"But you did not sleep with another woman, did you?" John was not able to believe either, he knew Sherlock like the back of his hand. He knew him well enough to give him the benefit of the doubt, something was fishy about it. "I did sleep with another woman, John. Stop asking me that question, I don't like to repeat myself"

"You have a lot to answer for Sherlock, a lot. Not from Viola, but from me, Viola is a sister to me and whatever the reason that is forcing you to do this...whoever it is... wait" John's car tires screeched as he pushed his foot roughly on the brake pedal. He turned around to his best friend, "This has something to do with Moriarty, does it not? Targets wait, what is that supposed to mean?"

Sherlock smirked at his blonde headed friend "Bingo, Dr.Watson!" 

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