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Viola was finally out of the hospital, a week has passed since her labor, Sherlock was getting her flowers delivered everyday literally. Presents kept coming in from Sherlock's parents, Mycroft, Viola's parents, and Mycroft of course. Currently, Viola was trying to soothe her baby to sleep. "Come on go to sleep, go to sleep" She rocked her baby girl back and forth. "Why cant you be like your brother? SHERLOOOCKKK" Viola called out for him from the babies' bedroom. John's old room was being used for the babies, they repainted it and put all the baby stuff that Viola got on her baby shower in that room.

"Ah fuck" Viola cursed under her breath, realizing she woke Elliot up. Sherlock opened the bedroom door and looked down at his wife. "I just put Elliot to sleep, you cant be screaming Viola" Sherlock sighed as he picked Elliot up and rocked him back to sleep in mere minutes.

"Sherlock, Emeraude wont go to sleep. I'm the worst mother ever, I cant even get my baby to sleep" Viola started tearing up as she rocked her baby harder. "It's okay you've been really tired, give me Emeraude" Sherlock said as Viola handed him the baby. He hummed to her as she stopped crying gradually, Sherlock put his baby girl in the crib as Viola narrowed her eyes at him storming out of the room. She couldn't admit it but she was pissed at him for being able to do that easily.

Sherlock slowly shut the bedroom door and went back to his laptop, Viola stood in the middle crossing her arms on her chest in frustration glaring at her husband. "I'm sensing you're pissed?" Sherlock asked not looking up from his laptop. Viola's lip twitched, frowning further as she grabbed the couch cushion and threw it his away. He caught it without even looking at her, "Real mature" Sherlock sighed shutting his laptop. "Did you take your medicine?" Sherlock asked, Viola nodded. For some reason, the two of them have been cold to each other. Ever since labor, Sherlock has been worried about the twins a lot. He never told Viola that there's something wrong with them. He didn't want to worry her, Viola sensed that Sherlock was hiding things from her which is why she was acting cold with him. The usual vicious cycle.

"What's wrong? Why are you angry?" Sherlock asked walking over to Viola towering over her, making her look up. "Why? You're really asking me why? How come you can soothe the twins and I cannot? The twins hate me!" Viola expressed her frustration. "I cant comfort my own babies, I'm the worst mother ever. I expected you would be bad at fatherhood, but it turns out that you beat me!"

Sherlock frowned down at her "Viola, this isn't a competition, you realize that right? We're both taking care of the children because we're a team" "If you were the one not able to soothe your own baby, then this would have been a competition" Viola retorted. "You're wrong, I think of us as a team. You clearly don't" Sherlock observed. "Whatever, I'm not in the mood for you" Viola snapped turning around. Sherlock took a hold of her wrist, "What's this about really baby?" He asked her lifting her chin up to make her look at him. She clammed up, "If you keep acting this way Ill have to take other measures with you" Sherlock arched an eyebrow at her waiting for her response.

"Excuse me? Are you threatening me?" Viola smirked at him, "I am threatening you, what are you going to do about it?" Sherlock shot back at her. Viola gulped down, looking intensely at him. His scent was killing her, she was breathing hard as she let his closeness intoxicate her. She looked down from his lips, to his chest, he had left two buttons opened. "Damn it" her voice came low.

She watched Sherlock smirking down at her, he pressed her closer to him lust clear on his face and when Viola looked at his expression she couldn't help but feel herself getting wet. It has been a while since she's had any sexual contact with her husband, and it was probably why she was frustrated. "I'm going to ask you one more time Viola" Sherlock whispered in her ear, one hand behind her back keeping her forcefully glued to his body as she felt his hardness. One hand slowly brushed her hair behind her ear as he breathed out making her shiver.

Sherlock x OC It is what it is Book 2Where stories live. Discover now