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Third Person POV

"I constantly feel like I'm at war... I could've lost you..or the love of my life... tonight. My soul feels unstable and fragile.. Mary" Viola muttered, she was wrapped up in a blanket drinking warm tea that Mary made her. Mary took her to a hotel room, to relax... "You're in shock, Viola.. you're only human, you're bound to feel that way" Mary assured her, "I have killed, without shedding a tear, or blinking once, Mary. I am never in shock... yet, I'm aching, shaking, and I feel so cold inside. So cold inside... I cannot recall the last time I felt that way" "I had those feelings in my pregnancy... it's normal, you're human Viola"

"The last time I felt that way was when I lost Sherlock.. and my mother..." Viola admitted, tearing her gaze away from the fire burning up in the chimney to look at Mary with a dead expression "I cannot handle another death Mary.. I'm desperate to leave my past behind me,what if I don't succeed?" "If I can succeed then so can you, Viola" Mary sighed, "You almost didn't succeed tonight Mary... what if I wasn't able to save you?..." Viola gulped down feeling the fear eat her up as she shuddered, Mary shrugged at the question, "Then Rosie would've grown up without a mother, John would've been without a wife... and you would've been without a sister"

"You utter these words with ease... inconsiderate of how anyone would feel" Mary sighed, "Viola, stop thinking negatively. You saved me, and Sherlock" Viola started chuckling hysterically "Oh.. saved you, you're killing me" She breathed out a laugh "Saved Sherlock?.... Nah, you saved Sherlock. I wasn't.. I, the assassin, was not even capable of saving my own husband.. how disappointing" Viola pursed her lips. "You tried your best, and you succeeded Viola. Stop beating yourself up" Mary pressed the red button on her phone declining the tenth call from John tonight.

Viola eyed Mary's phone, "Go home, I need to be alone for a while Mary, I need to get over what happened fast..." Mary sighed at her friend's request "I wont misbehave, I promise" Viola added. Mary shook her head, "Alone is not an option, do you want Sherlock instead of me?" Viola shook her head no immediately "No no, you stay.. I'd rather to stay distant..." Viola said, "Alright, should you go to bed? You've had a long night" "Yeah.."


"No answer" John said, Sherlock paced back and forth as Mycroft rolled his eyes "Calm down, this is just a phase. Give your loving wife some time" Mycroft was sarcastic as always. "How come you know that and I dont? How come you know what is going on with my wife and I dont?" Sherlock spat at Mycroft with bitterness. "I've known her for a longer time, she's in shock, and when Viola's in shock, you need to give her some space, Sherlock.." Mycroft explained.

"Shock? Viola is an assassin what shock are you talking about?" Sherlock asked looking at his brother ridiculously, "She went into shock when her mother died, she went into shock when you faked your own death and never came out of it until you actually came back" "Well, no one died tonight, why is she in shock then? We always have near death experiences, and adventures. What difference does this make huh?"

"She's probably scared, that she would've lost you" John responded, not really knowing if it's true. "Nope, she's disappointed that she wasn't able to protect the ones she loved.. which terrified her to no end sending her into shock. Failure is a miserable feeling, you should know Sherlock" Mycroft said casually as Sherlock dreaded his brother's words, feeling irked, he snapped at him "If you're done with making me feel better, you may leave!"

Mycroft stood up making a face as he took his umbrella, "I shall see you soon, brother dear, don't mess Viola up" He said before leaving the flat. "Mess her up.. pfft, like he knows what he's talking about" Sherlock mumbled. "He does, not sure if you can see it but Viola is in danger Sherlock" Sherlock turned to look at John with a puzzled look, "Danger? From who?" He asked eager to find out. John sighed, "From herself Sherlock, from herself"


Later that night, Viola decided to take off and run away from her problems. This time, leaving the country is not an option.. so she called the only person who can help her out. Mycroft. "Viola, are you over your shock already?" Mycroft answered with a witty remark. Viola sighed, "I need your help, Mycroft" "What do you need?" Mycroft responded. "I need to hide, I need space until I give birth at least, Mycroft... help me?" Viola pleaded on the other side of the phone, she was in tears. Mycroft sighed "This isn't the right thing to do, Viola" "Would you rather I fly off to another country then?" She asked, "Fine, come over tomorrow morning. We'll figure something out" Mycroft responded, not very eager to hear about the plan Viola had in mind for he knew trouble was going to come from her choices.

"Ill be there" Viola said, hanging up her phone as she went to bed. That night, Viola couldn't sleep, she kept debating whether or not she should proceed with what she wanted, and one text has managed to change her mind.

'Come back home, it feels as though I'm in prison without my wife' - SH

Viola read the text, her brain choking on the word wife, it was then that she took her decision. It was time to give herself some space, to put distance.


The Next Morning

Viola headed down to Mycroft's place, it was six in the morning, the sunlight has just come up and the mood felt gloomy in London. Viola knocked on Mycroft's door, he opened the door and invited her inside with a silent greet. He sat down on the couch with Viola across from him, looking down at the floor as Mycroft waited for her to speak up.

Moments later, Viola took a deep breath "Mycroft" she started, "Finally, speak up" Mycroft said eager to hear Viola's suggestion. Viola fidgeted with the hem of her sleeve as she looked up to stare at him "Um, Mycroft I gave this a lot of thought last night.. so whatever I am about to tell you.. it should stay between us, and I don't want you trying to talk me out of it.. no matter what your opinion on this is" Viola gave Mycroft an introduction in a way that he only interpreted it in one way.

"So you're basically saying, I took my decision I need your help even though my decision is going to piss you off so much" Mycroft responded with his arms across his chest, already not liking where this was going. "Well, I'm not saying you're going to be very fond of what I've decided...but I can assure you.. it's for the better Mycroft. It is" Viola said.

"Enlighten me with the hasty decision you've chosen, with the destructive fate you've taken" Mycroft demanded in a stern voice. "Alright, I need you to send me away. I need you to lock me up somewhere. No contact with anyone, until this pregnancy is over" Viola said, waiting for Mycroft's reaction which wasn't pleasant.

Mycroft laughed, in mockery, "Have you gone out of your mind Viola? You want to walk out on Sherlock?" "I have to, Mycroft, I want to stay away... please" Viola looked at Mycroft with pleading eyes. "What the bloody... no Viola, denied, I wont just lock you up somewhere because you requested that!"

"Dont make me force you, Mycroft, I can commit murder easily, I can get myself locked up, don't force me..." Viola warned him, Mycroft stood up sighing as he paced back and forth pouring himself a brandy so early in the morning. "Mycroft, please!" "You're going to destroy him! If you want to stay away, you stay away for good!" Mycroft snapped at her.

Viola gulped down and nodded, tears were idling on her eyes, "I know, get me out of here Mycroft, I wont come back I promise" "Sherlock will still try to contact you though, he'll know you're in London. He'll come after you" Mycroft said. "He wont, not if you sent me to Sherrinford..." Viola said.

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