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Hello readers! I wrote a small chapter, I'm getting busy with packing and all 'cause I'm traveling soon nonetheless Ill try to update with longer chapters! A new adventure is coming, buckle up. This one's going to be tough! :p 

Viola's eyes closed, Sherlock has managed to save both their lives by crashing into the nearest tree. Thankfully, the two got out of the accident alive, and not injured. Viola still needed stitches from the glass-crashing experience at her father's house.

Sherlock was breathing in and out heavily as Viola was still in shock "Are you alright?" He asked eyeing her. "I-I am.. I'm fine. Oh my God Sherlock..." "It's okay, we got out fine... sorry for wrecking your car I guess" Sherlock smirked. Viola's eyes rolled as she let out a sigh "You should be awarded master of casual come backs in the most inappropriate moments you know?"

Sherlock chuckled "Deep down that attitude soothes you" "Ha ha, not really" She glared at him. Sherlock got out of the car and helped Viola out "Oh good lord, that was close.. our twin babies.. can you imagine what would've happened?" Viola asked taking Sherlock's hand as they both waited for a cab.

"I dont want to" He sighed, "I think we should be grateful, this is a miracle... you realize that no?" Viola held tightly on to Sherlock's arm. "I know, listen Viola.. this night has been hard enough on you. Let's just not get you stressed out even more, we'll get you to the nearest hospital and fix the mess you've made here" He said patting her back.

Viola glared up at him "The what I've made? Mess? What mess? You were the jackass who doesn't know how to speak!" Sherlock raised an eyebrow at her "You shouldn't have went psychotic, breaking glasses and smashing things. What's gotten into you?" Sherlock scowled at her.

She sighed frustrated "Enough okay enough! Let's not speak about this, I'm literally drained Sherlock I am!"


The Next Morning

Viola woke up to the sound of her phone vibrating over her head, she looked at her phone and saw an unknown number so she silenced her phone and went back to sleep. "Who is it Viola?" Sherlock's voice came, Viola's eyes shot open as she looked to her left to see Sherlock getting dressed in front of the mirror. "I've no damn idea, why are you up so early?" She asked. "What do you mean no idea?" He asked ignoring her question. "It's an unknown number! What's with the third degree!" she snapped at him putting a pillow over her head.


Few Days Later

Viola's POV

I had no sense of what was going on, the minute we left my father's up till today, it was all a big blur. My anger was getting the best of me, I was always on edge and it was probably because of my stupid pregnancy which I seemed to be having mixed and very confused feelings for.

I wanted the babies so bad, but the pain and consequences that came with the package was not of my convenience. Sherlock was constantly bugging me with pregnancy books so I would know everything that's going on in my body. I had to know how to handle a baby, what to do when it cries, ..they cry.

Sherlock was spending a lot of time on cases, it kept his mind off things, it kept him busy from pissing me off because the second he breathes around me I swear, I could feel myself reaching for a gun to shoot him. I've been constantly nauseated with all sorts of food which sucks because I cant eat anything I used to like, it just grosses me out.

Mary had been spending a lot of time with me, she was expecting the baby anytime the next week. She was coming down with baby talk the whole time we're together. It made me almost not want the babies at all. Sherlock probably asked her to talk me through the whole baby topic.

"Viola, are you ready?" Sherlock asked peeking from the kitchen at me. "Yes, I am" I said standing up to pick my purse up. "You're wearing that?" "Yes I am?" "Go change, you're dressed like an escort it's zero degrees outside" He demanded.

I arched an eyebrow at him "Excuse me? My attire is my business, I don't put my nose in what your outfit is" "I'm not going out half naked, don't start another argument Viola. Get changed now" He demanded again. "I don't care about any of whatever just went out of your mouth Sherlock, either we have dinner like that or we don't at all" I demanded putting my hands on my hips.

"You two are at it again aren't you?" John asked walking out of the bathroom. "No" We both said in unison. "Mary's waiting come on let's go" John said looking awkwardly between Sherlock and I. My phone started ringing and the caller I.D. was unfamiliar to me. "Hang on..." I gazed at the number not recognizing it "You guys go ahead I'll be down in a few" I said as I felt Sherlock eyeing me.

I hit answer, "Hello?" I watched Sherlock and John stand still in the doorway. "Be completely silent for the next thirty seconds. This is an old friend, your betrayal might've made you forget about me. But I'm giving you a small present soon, ill send you the location, you'll look forward to it Theresa" The guy hung up the phone.

I stood frozen not able to comprehend what in heaven's hell was going on, the phone was still beside my ear and Sherlock and John were both watching me. "Oh that's fine! Ha ha yes wrong number it happens, good day to you sir" I let out a nervous laugh as I placed my phone in my pocket. Not once daring to meet Sherlock's questioning eyes. He looked at me with suspicion and I hated that look, that smart arse look he gave me... as if he knew everything.

"Wrong number you say?" Sherlock asked, confidence on level 1000 since he was more than sure I was lying to him. I gulped not daring to look him in the eyes. "Yes" I said shortly, and even John looked up at me in a quizzical manner. However, he decided to let it go "Come on, Mary's waiting" He nudged Sherlock "Ill be there in a second I forgot to get my pain killers" I said not even waiting for approval I needed to be armed. I couldn't think straight right now. I've given the name Theresa to two people. And if it is who I think it is, then I'm in some deep trouble.

I grabbed my smallest pistol and shoved it under my shirt, I put my black coat on and headed downstairs to find Sherlock waiting for me with his arms crossed. He didn't even look at me as he said his next words "One question, and I expect you to answer me with honesty Viola" Sherlock started "Dont ask it then, we'll talk later" "Close your coat next time, your gun is showing" Sherlock spat at me storming out to meet John and Mary.

The Watsons and us were out for dinner, yes "Such a lovely evening huh?" Mary gave her usual toothy smile as she turned over to the passenger seat so John would drive. I was still shaken up and I knew Mary saw that by the way my face was "Yes, beautiful evening" I gave her a small smile as I climbed to the back followed by Sherlock. "Hopefully it doesn't get ruined" Sherlock remarked. I ignored it, and so did Mary as she started rambling off about what John did last night to scare her.


We arrived to the restaurant, it was where John proposed to Mary. It was fancy, and surely John and Mary were acting out the perfect couple tonight. They looked way too cute, like they were two teenagers in love. I mentally slapped myself, 'If only I wasn't involved in crap that haunted me day and night, Sherlock wouldn't be glaring daggers and swords at me right now'

I looked at him, turning my head to the side and gave him a small smile. He gave me a cold dead stare and turned to face John who was sitting across him. I felt Mary's foot kicking mine softly under the table. I looked at her and widened my eyes mouthing her a 'what?' from behind the menu.

John and Sherlock both glanced at the two of us as Mary gave them a small smile, "Viola, do you need to use the restroom dear?" She asked and I looked at her confused then nodded "Yes, yes I do" I heard John mutter to Sherlock "Any idea whats going on?" "Something big is coming" was all I heard from Sherlock before leaving the sight. More like a huge mess is coming, I had no idea what was going to save my sorry arse this time.

We reached the rest room, which was apparently the distance from London to China! I wish I didn't wear heels for tonight, Mary closed the rest room's door and smacked her purse on the sink. She turned to me with fury in her eyes as I looked at her confused. "Are you okay?" I asked her, a little concerned with her sudden deranged behavior. Maybe she was going to give birth. "Who in God's name is Theresa, Viola?" Mary demanded as my eyes went wide. Oh, crap.

Sherlock x OC It is what it is Book 2Where stories live. Discover now