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Chapter 69, ayyy


Minghao was freaking out.

They had to leave for the airport in five minutes,  and Eunjae still hadn't finished packing.

Minghao had ended up packing several bags for him, since Eunjae seemed incapable of remembering essentials, like socks.

But Eunjae had insisted that he could finish up by himself that day. Of course he was convinced he could put it off to the last minute.

"Listen, babe, I'm a master putter-offer."


"Look at you, learning the big words now!" Eunjae teased, but stood up anyway. "I'll go finish."

"Leave!" Minghao checked the time again. Two minutes. "We can buy things at the airport."

"No. I can do this." Eunjae told him, grabbing his last empty bag and running to the bathroom. He didn't really pay much attention at all to what he was tossing into the bag, because he knew as long as he had his phone, his wallet, a pair of pants, and a ton of chargers, he could get through anything.

He finished and began to get ready to leave, with Minghao still whining about being late outside the door.

"Oh, shit, why!?" Eunjae groaned in pain as he had went to spray his deodorant, without realizing that it was facing the wrong way. He had sprayed it directly into his eye.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Eunjae called, throwing the door open and gathering all of his bags. "Let's go!"

Minghao had finally begun to relax, letting out a sigh of relief as it finally sank in that they made it in time for the flight. He sat down on one of the benches, looking up at Eunjae.

Eunjae had been covering his eye with his hand, which in all honesty Minghao had thought he was only face-palming to hinself, and that didn't seem too far-fetched as Eunjae did some pretty dumb things from time to time.



"I can't see out of my left eye."


"I sprayed myself in the face with deodorant."

"I'm not even a little bit surprised right now."

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