The two had pretended to be asleep when Minghao's dad opened the door. They had separated, their backs to each other, Eunjae's idea (Minghao thought it was stupid and pointless, as his father had most likely already been informed of what his mother had walked in on).

Eunjae could hear a low sigh from the doorway, and he opened his left eye the tiniest bit, just enough for him to see where his father stood. He looked sad, and Eunjae wondered if he was expecting Minghao to bring home a girl, or maybe he was just upset, being that Minghao was his only child, and was already getting busy with his boyfriend.

Minghao was eighteen and it didn't seem like a big deal at all, he would be an adult in another year-- something Eunjae found strange to think about-- but as an only child, he must have been babied. That would explain a lot, like his bratty behavior and constant need for attention.

Minghao's father soon left, after making sure the door would stay open of course. "Minghao," he whispered, to no response. Eunjae rolled over to face Minghao, who was now lying on his back. "Minghao." He tried again, this time giving Minghao's side a gentle nudge. Minghao let out a soft groan as he rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms around Eunjae's neck.

"Fuck you." Eunjae mumbled, trying to shift his body in a way where he could be comfortable without waking Minghao.

Next to him, his phone vibrated. Usually he wouldn't care, not even a little bit. But he knew it had to be important because name Yoon Jeonghan lit up the screen.

Jeonghan never texted Eunjae.

With the arm that wasn't pinned beneath Minghao, he reached for his phone.

-Hey bitch, don't think because I messaged you that we're friends
-Because we're not
-So don't message me back at all and just let me talk
-And when I finish, don't say anything because I don't care
-Just wanted to let you know that your "straight" cunt of a friend Jihoon is hella gay and he can't deny it anymore
-He got drunk af and things happened
-I got pics
-So that's cool
-K bye

"I wonder what Jihoon did." Minghao said suddenly, causing Eunaje to panic and almost drop his phone on his face. Something he had done far too many times.

"When did you wake up?"

Minghao blinked a few times, he hasn't moved from his previous position and Eunjae wasn't sure how awake he really was. "I don't know. " He finally said. It took Eunjae a few extra seconds to figure out what he had said. It was both adorable and frustrating how heavy Minghao's accent was when he woke up.

"I'll ask Joshua or Hoshi what happened, it was probably just Jihoon being a hoe."

"I'm going back to sleep. "

"Why?" Eunjae groaned.  He wasn't tired and he knew even if he tried, he still wouldn't be able to sleep.

"I can think of something else we can do but I know you're not up for that, so let me fucking sleep."

Eunaje was glad that it was too dark to see much of anything, because Minghao would for sure be making fun of his burning cheeks.  "You hoe."

"Are you going to cuddle me or not?"

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