Minghao had woken up early for once in his life, and, not wanting to be the only one, he had woken Eunjae up too. Though Eunjae didn't mind, as they lay awake, quietly talking and occasionally exchanging soft kisses. 

"Hey, remember when you thought a cat said moo?" 

Minghao elbowed Eunjae, who just held him tighter. "And who's fault was that you fuck?" 

Eunjae laughed loudly, recalling that when Minghao was still really struggling with Korean, he had given the small boy a cat plushie. Honestly, he had gotten it from the baby section. Initially he wasn't going to actually buy it, but when he squeezed it and heard the deep moo it let out, Eunjae knew he had to. Minghao had been so surprised, and whenever Eunjae saw the boy hugging it, his heart felt like it could stop, it was so cute. 

Eventually Jun told Minghao that the toy had the wrong sound, ruining Eunjae's fun anytime he would ask Minghao what sounds certain animals say. He always thought he would die hearing Minghao confidently bellowing out a 'moo' every time Eunjae mentioned a cat. When Minghao learned that Eunjae had tricked him, he got really mad, always yelling about how stupid Eunjae, and the toy, were. "This is inaccurate," he had said. "Take it back," he had said. But he never actually gave it back to Eunjae. 

And Eunjae still noticed that Minghao still had it, and he always wanted to kiss the boy when he saw it.

Minghao bit Eunjae's arm, bringing him back to the present, and he laughed again. 

"Stupid. I hate it." 

Eunjae huffed, "yeah right, I see you hugging it all the time." 

"Shut up, I do not like it. It's for babies." 

"You're my baby, baby." 

"I'll kick you." 

Eunjae smiled, "do you wanna know the first moment I knew that I loved you?" 

Minghao perked up, curious.

"It was when you told me that the toy was broken. Do you remember what you said?" 

Minghao pouted, laying back down and turning his back to Eunjae. "Probably something mean. You deserve mean." 

"You said, 'it's broken, like you.' At first, I was kind of sad, and I didn't know what you meant. But then I saw you hugging it later that day, and I thought to myself, you really like that toy, and maybe it meant that you liked me too. And I realized how much I wanted that to be true." 

"Pf, you cheese." 

Eunjae leaned over, pressing his chest into Minghao's back and moving his face close to Minghao's cheek. "I'm not broken anymore, right? Cause I fixed myself and ended up getting you after all." 

"I got you," Minghao mumbled, and Eunjae grinned.

"Sure, you did. It was all your fault." 

"You're welcome," Minghao huffed, and Eunjae pressed a kiss to his cheek. 

"Hey Minghao?" 

Minghao hummed, smiling widely, expecting another confession. 


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