"Hey Jihoon?"


"You're a fucking dick." 

"Thank you." 

"But seriously. Tone it down." 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Is there any specific reason I need to have?" 

"I guess not." 

"Stop joking around too much okay." 

"Awh, is this about Minghao?"

"It's about everything."

"God, fine."

"Good, now get out." 

"Kicking me out of my own room, wow." 

"You never do anything here anyways."


As Woozi walked out the door, Minghao slipped past him, just in time to lock the door behind him.  

Eunjae held his arms out, and the older boy was happy to run into them, jumping up on Eunjae and immediately clinging to him like he was trying to suffocate him. Eunjae laughed, walking them to the bed and unceremoniously collapsing on it, scooting back so that his legs didn't hang off the edge. 

"Eunjae..." Minghao mumbled as he snuggled into the tall boy's shoulder, his hair tickling Eunjae's neck. 

Eunjae hummed, reached up to smooth out the small boy's hair. 

"I wish my parent's could come this week..." 

Jun's parent's had already arrived, along with Seungcheol's, and dozens of other students had already reunited with their family during the week, and Eunjae could tell that Minghao was jealous.

"I know, I'm sorry. You'll see them soon though. The next break will come faster than you realize." 



"There is no new break. We graduate." 


Neither wanted to talk about it, as they weren't ready to face the very real reality that they may split apart, despite all they had gone through to end up together this year. It was a scary thing, and they weren't ready to do anything more than skirt around the topic.

So Eunjae just hugged Minghao a little tighter, and Minghao closed his eyes and pretended that the moment would last forever. In a way, it would, as they committed it to memory. 

Knocking on the door interrupted them, and Minghao got up, stomping towards the door and opening it with an annoyed look. 


Eunjae was about to tell Minghao to hurry up, preparing to curse the person at the door, who he assumed was Woozi, or Jun. 

However, Minghao seemed to step back, allowing the strangers inside. "There's my baby!" A woman cooed.

"Oh my god!" Eunjae sat up, his voice rising as he turned and faced the people at his door. "Mom..... dad... you're early..." Eunjae smiled awkwardly, slowly rising to his feet. He took a few steps, before his mother came, engulfing him in a hug, pulling him down so fast that his neck cracked. 

He sent a panicked look at Minghao, who looked a little nervous before turning to Eunjae's dad. 

"I'm Minghao." 

"Oh! The Chinese boy," Eunjae's mom released him to turn and look at the small boy, "I really was hoping you actually were a girl. Oh well, nice to meet you!" 

Eunjae winced, turning to his father to hug him, hoping that he would help in controlling Eunjae's eccentric mother. 

"Mom, Minghao is my-" 

"So tell me, is Eunjae paying attention to any girls? Any at all?" 

Minghao smirked, and Eunjae forced a smile, "mother, please don't make it about this right now. You just arrived, you must be hungry. Have you had dinner? Let's go get food, yeah?" 

Eunjae ushered them out of the room, and Minghao fell in step beside him, leaning up to whisper, "are you telling them?" 

"Later, I guess. I don't want my mom to have a heart attack in front of everyone...." Minghao pouted, and Eunjae reached out, affectionately ruffling the small boy's hair. "It doesn't mean we have to pretend," he assured, and Minghao grinned, hugging Eunjae's arm to his chest. 

They eventually moved in front of his parents, leading the way, and Eunjae grew nervous, but he resisted any urges to separate their arms. 

"Oh well, you are good friends," his mother smiled. "I'm glad. But be careful, some girls may not approach you because they think they don't have a chance," she teased, and Eunjae let out an exasperated sigh.

They don't.  

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