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"Anna are you ok?" I asked opening the door. She was lying on her bed crying face down. She turned over and looked at me and sat up.
"No, no I'm not I feel like shit. I bet they made you tell them, didn't they?"
"Um yeah. They used my promise against me" I said as I went and sat next to her and pulled her into a hug. She pulled out the hug after a second. "Wait what promise?" She asked me looking up with blood shot eyes and mascara down her face.
"When I got up before you I went downstairs and I promised your parents some things"
"What kind of things Blakey?"
"I promised I'd always be there for you, support you, care for you, look after you and just make you happy, no matter how hard. And I'd always be honest with them"
"You promised that to my parents?"
"Of course I did. And I mean it as well. I only want to be there Anna. I know my schedule may not always make that easy but I'll try. Because I love you so much. So much"

Anna's P.O.V
I lent up and kissed him. After a minute I pulled away and put our foreheads together. "I love you too. I can't explain it" I kissed him again. I put my arm around his neck and pulled him closer, then I lay down on the bed pulling him on top of me. After a few minutes I heard the stairs go. I pulled away and whispered "I heard the stairs go" Blake got off and lay next to me and I snuggled up to him and closed my eyes. My mum opened the door and Blake was messing with my hair down my back.
"Is she ok?" My mum whispered to Blake.
"I don't think she'll ever be ok again but I think she's less upset now" Blake whispered to her.
"My poor baby" my mum said come and sitting next to me on my bed, she moved my hair out of my face at tucked it behind my ear. "Look after her for my Blake I trust you, it took me 9 months to make her heart, don't you break it"
"I never intended to I promise, I love her so much"
"I know you do and she needs you most right now. I know you have tour but when she calls you needing support, answer. And let her know you care. You're the first one she's ever loved"
"I know she's mine too"
"Just look after her" she said and left.
"Dear God please let my princess be fine" was the last thing I heard Blake say, before I actually fell asleep.
I woke up not long after. He was still there. "Hey beautiful" he said.
"Do you have rehearsals tomorrow?"
"Not tomorrow the day after why?"
"I want to to tell your family. They need to know as well."
"Oh ok are you sure you want to tell them. I'll do it if you don't want to."
"I need to do it."
"If you're sure. How do you want to do it?"
"Over dinner. Do you think going out or stay in dinner?"
"We'll go out tomorrow yeah?"
I spent the rest of the day with my family and Blake.


We were sat around the table with Blake's family. I didn't know when I was going to do it. We'd just ordered and there was a silence, this was it. "I have to tell you something" I said Blake put his hand on top of mine. All his family looked confused, they looked at eachother like I was about to announce I was pregnant or something. "The other week I went for a scan on my brain and yesterday I got the results" I paused and closed my eyes to stop myself from crying. "It wasn't good news... I needed to say this. I'll be starting treatment soon. I had to tell you guys because you're like family to me"
"Oh my goodness Anna are you going to be ok?" Abbie asked.
"I should be, but I don't know it really depends on its rate of growth and if the treatment works"

"Oh my goodness Anna this must be a big shock and alot to take in" Soulla said.
"It really is and I'm just lucky I have Blakey to look after and support me" I looked at him and smiled.
"That's good to know, if you ever need anything remember we'll always be here"
"I really appreciate that"
We didn't mention it for the rest of the night. When we'd finished Blake put his arm round me and was rubbing my arm, my head was resting on his shoulder.
"We're going out you two are welcome to join us if you'd like" I turned to look at Blake giving him the look of no I'm not up to it.
"No it's ok it's been along day I think we'll just go home"
"Ok we'll see you in a bit then"
We stood up and went out together then they went off and we went home.

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