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"Mr Richardson?"
"Yes" I jumped up.
"Here's your little boy" she brought him in. He was in a hospital 'cot' thing.
"Oh my goodness. He's so beautiful" I rubbed his cheek. "Is Anna alright?" I asked.
"I think she's just coming, shouldn't be to long"
I longed to pick him up. Hug him. Hold him. But I want Anna to hold him first to hold him, she's been through so much to have him for us, I can at least let her hold him first. I couldn't stop looking at him. Whispering his name. He fell asleep, so I stopped touching him and sat down. I'd been awake for so long now I didn't even feel myself falling asleep.
"Mr Richardson?" Someone shook my shoulder.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep"
"It's fine. Only been 10 minutes but your wife is here" I instantly got up and hugged her. Her eyes slowly  fluttered open.
"Blake!" she hugged me back so tight "where's baby? Is he okay?"
"He's fine, he's over here. I haven't held him yet, I wanted you to be the first to hold him" She just smiled, she lent over and generally picked him up.
"Isn't he just so beautiful?"
"Yeah, I can't believe we made him"
"He was worth every second of that pain. Did you call our parents?"
"Yeah I think they might be here but didn't come in incase something had happened"
"Makes sense" Blake got into the bed with me.
"Thank you so much princess, I'm so proud of you"
"What are you talking about?"
"You gave me the most beautiful son, carried him around for 9 months and gave birth to him. I don't know how I could ever ask anymore of you"

"Before we call our parents in and see him. I'm guessing you want to hold him?"
"Please, that would be the best"
"Stop acting like he's not your son as well" I smiled at him. I gently passed baby to him. "He looks just like you doesn't he" I said as he was admiring all of our little boys features, as he was rubbing his thumb over his cheek baby wrapped his tiny hand around Blake's finger. My heart was melting.

Soulla was holding our little boy and all of our direct family were there cooing over him.
"So what's his name then?" Soulla asked. Me and Blake looked at eachother and smiled.
"Harry Edward Richardson"
"Awh little baby Harry"
Everyone was holding our baby boy. I can't believe this little bundle of joy was our son.

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