Little ...

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Pregnancy isn't all it is cracked up to be, I'll tell you that now. I have ache everywhere. Blake thought my period mood swings were bad, he's now been subjected to my pregnancy mood swings. God he hates it, but he puts up with it, he knows what he'll get at the end of it. A little Blake or Anna he can play with. I went to the 15 weeks scan, we are all good, baby caught up. It's perfect.
"You feeling okay baby?"
"I'm fine just pregnancy ill"
"I'm sorry"
"What the hell for?"
"Well I got you pregnant didn't I"
"I wanted it though, I want my own baby with the man I adore, even if I have to be sick everyday for 9 months"
I had a clear bump, he kissed before  he went to sleep, he thinks I don't know. Blake was so protected over bump. Every night he had his hand on baby, everytime we went out he would keep super close so bump wouldn't get knocked or bumped. I don't miss coffee as much as I thought I would, I didn't drink or get drunk before so that wasn't anything to me.
It was time for 21 week scan, we can find little baby's gender. We were having a little gender reveal party thing. Nothing big! Just close family and the boys. I was nervous. I don't know what I want. I kinda want a girl, but at the same time I kinda want a boy. Either way I'm happy. I just want a little baby.

"And there's your baby" the midwife said pointing at the screen. We asked her to write the gender on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope. "And here is the envelope with the gender in you wanted"

We took it to the party shop, and asked for them to make the gender reveal balloons.
Everyone was here, my family, Blake's family, the boys. Everyone. We had little games and just a general house party.
"How excited are you then?" Soulla asked me.
"The most excited I've been in a long time. There was a time when I never thought this would happen. That I'd never get pregnant by the man I love. And now I'm here about to find out the gender"
"I always knew it would happen. One way or another. You make it through everything, never doubt yourself. You'll be an amazing mum"
"I am terrified. Just this is all getting so much"
"I was scared, petrified. But once you have your baby in your arms it gets easier. So maybe you'll have little sleep and you'll want it all to be over but before you know it, you'll have a grown adult getting married and having their own kids and that's how I feel now. It seams like only yesterday was October 2nd 1999 and I was in a hospital only just having given birth, and now look at him" I gave her a big hug.
"I'm sorry Soulla"
"It's life, before you know it you'll be just like me"

"Baby?" Blake called to me.
"Do you want to pop yet?"
"I'm ready when you are" We went out into the garden.
"Okay everyone, we're going to reveal the gender now"
We stood next to the balloon.
"3....,2....,1....." We popped it, confetti everywhere. Tears down my face, Blake pulled me into the biggest hug and kissed my forehead.
"I'm so happy!"

What do you want baby Blake or baby Anna?
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