World War III - III

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Continue from World War III - II


There was a beeping of a phone. Lily, figuring out it was her's, fished it out of her dress pocket. "Sorry. It's mine."

"But we're sealed off!" Harriet gasped. "How did you get a signal?"

"The Doctor zapped it." Rose answered for her as Lily looked down at her screen. "Mine too. Super phone."

"Then we can phone for help!" Harriet told her while Lily frowned at her text message. "You must have contacts."

"Dead downstairs, yeah." The Doctor shrugged.

"Rose?" Lily asked, eyes still glued on her phone. "Where is your phone?"

"Left it at home. Why?"

"Mickey texted me." she said simply.

"Can't get to Rose so he reaches out to you? Bloody hell." He rolled his eyes. "Tell him we're busy."

"Well, I'm glad he did. Look."  She showed him the picture he sent her. It was the Slitheen who tried to kill them.

Moments later her phone started to ring. She pushed the answer button and put it up to her ear. "Mickey. Are you and Mum safe? Where's the alien?"

"No, no, no, no, no." Mickey talked loudly from his flat into the phone. "Not just alien, but like, proper alien! All stinking, and wet, and disgusting! And more to the point, it wanted to kill us!"

"I could have died!" Lily heard Jackie yell into the receiver.

"Is she alright though?" she asked then remembered how talkative she is. "Don't put her on, just tell me."

"Is that Ricky?" The Doctor asked striding over to her. Rose mouth 'Mickey' to him behind his back.

Lily rolled her eyes. "No, it's Santa Claus." He knew who she was talking to. He just wanted to be a jerk.

The Doctor didn't answer but instead took her phone from her. Lily gasped. "Rude!"

The Doctor ignored her remark. "Ricky! Don't talk, just shut up and go to your computer."

"It's Mickey and why should I?" he snapped at him.

The Doctor made an annoyed face. "Mickey the idiot. I might just choke before I finish this sentence but . . I need you."


Back in Mickey's flat, he's typing away on the UNIT website with his shoulder holding his phone to his ear. While he worked the Doctor plugged up Lily's phone to a speaker so they can all hear the conversation.

"It's asking for a password." Mickey said.

"Its BUFFALO." The Doctor answered. "Two Fs and one L."

"So what's this website?" Jackie asked.

"All the secret information known to mankind. See, they've known about aliens for years." Mickey answered still typing. "They just kept us in the dark."

Dreaming of a Blue Box | The Doctor {1} ✔️ (Original Version)Where stories live. Discover now