01 - Moving In

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-Elizabeth's POV-
I wanted to come home early so I could surprise him. Instead, I walk in and see some other girl, naked, on top of him. They are making out passionately. I won't cry, I told myself, Not here. Instead I ripped the engagement ring off of my finger and whipped it at his face.

Elizabeth: Don't ever talk to me again, Jack. I loved you, with all my heart. But when I go away on business, you CHEAT? Again? You told me you were better. That you wouldn't do shit like this again. But look!

Jack: It's not what it looks...

I didn't let him finish. Without saying another word, I grabbed my bag and left. It was a good thing I didn't have to pack because I couldn't hold the tears in any longer. As soon as I slammed the door behind me and got in my car, the tears came. Do you know what it's like to love someone? Not just love, but love with such a burning passion that you want them. Then have them cheat? Many times? The flame that ignited our passion was burnt out now. I couldn't love him anymore. I wasn't good enough. Yeah, I loved him but maybe it was a good thing? I tenderly touched the bruise on my arm and thought. At least he can't abuse me
anymore and I had an excuse to leave him. Some nights, he would come home drunk and hit me. It didn't usually hurt since I was tough but... I drove around, aimlessly for almost 2 hours. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't think of anything, so I called the one person who I knew could help. Jake.

Jake: Hey, Liz.

Elizabeth: Jake...

My voice cracked and faltered. I knew that he knew something was wrong.

Jake: Liz? Are you alright?

Elizabeth: No. Not at all. Can I come over?

Jake: Of course!

I hung up. Within minutes, I arrived at the Team10 house.

-Anthony's POV-

I overheard Jake talking on the phone. I know I shouldn't eavesdrop but he never sounded this concerned about someone.

Jake: Liz? Are you aright?

Liz? Is he talking about Liz Warner? She was his best friend in Ohio, however I never really met her. In roughly 10 minutes, Jake had constantly paced and muttered to himself random nonsense that I couldn't make out. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Jake rushed over to it and some girl fell into his arms. He engulfed her in a hug and rested his chin on her head.

Jake: What happened? Are you ok?

Jake pulled out of the hug and I got a good look at the girl. She was about 5'7, with long brown hair and natural golden highlights. Her eyes were the prettiest green I've ever seen. Liz definitely had some sort of glow-up. She was now one of the most gorgeous girls I've ever seen...

-Elizabeth's POV-

As soon as I entered the house, I collapsed in Jake's arms. He led me to his room where I confessed everything.

Jake: I'm sorry. You can stay here if you want.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything, so I just nodded. He took my hand and walked me to an empty room with just a bed.

Jake: Stay here.

He left and I could hear his footsteps on the stairs. A few minutes passed and he was back up here with my bags. Then, he walked out and shut the door to my room. I did nothing, just laid on the on the bed and cried. Eventually, I cried myself to sleep.

-Anthony's POV-

As I walked to my room, I could hear soft cries coming from Erika's old room. I decided to check it out. When I opened the door, Elizabeth was laying face-down on her bed crying. I wanted to go over and comfort her, but something told me not to. Instead, I turned around and shut the door.

•Wow guys, I'm super sorry. This chapter is extremely choppy. I promise the next ones will be better. I hope you like this story anyway!•

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