12 - Regret

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-Anthony's POV-
I rolled up the sleeve of Elizabeth's sweatshirt. I looked into her tear-filled eyes. She bit her lip and took a deep breath.
Elizabeth: When I first met Jack, he made me feel happy and special...kind of like you do. But he rushed our relationship and after we got engaged, he changed. He started going out at night, getting drunk, coming home and saying mean things to me. He began to bring girls home and fuck them, and I knew he thought I was nothing. Eventually, one night he came home, without a girl. I tried to talk to him, to get him to change but he...started hitting me. Then, he...raped me? I mean, I didn't want to "do it" but I went with it because I was scared of him, scared of what he might do to me. I thought I was stuck with him forever. I ended up feeling worthless and like shit. So...I started cutting. After a few weeks he told me he was gonna change. Then, I found him cheating and I came here. The way Jack treated me was bad, it made me hate myself and my life, and I was eventually going to try to commit. But then you came in and comforted me. When I met you, you lit up my world. You made me feel special, like I actually belonged here. You made me feel like I was important to someone. I stopped cutting after we became close and thought I was gonna get my life together. Then, I really fucked things up and was thinking about ending it. Then I got raped again...
Elizabeth shuttered and I wrapped my arms around her.
Anthony: I'm so sorry, Elizabeth. I love you and I won't ever hurt you.
She leaned into me and kissed my lips.
Elizabeth: I love you too.
We lay down on her bed and eventually drifted off to sleep in each other's arms. I felt so bad for Elizabeth, she didn't deserve what she got. She didn't deserve any of the terrible things that happened to her.
-Elizabeth's POV-
I woke up in Anthony's arms and kissed his forehead, accidentally waking him up.
Elizabeth: Sorry, Tony.
I smiled and he chuckled. I giggled with him, then wiggled out of his grasp and downstairs. Tessa, who was scratching the back of her neck, nervously smiled at me.
Elizabeth: What's up?
Tessa: What? Oh nothing...
She quickly answered and turned away.
Elizabeth: You heard, didn't you?
I murmured. Tessa nodded and walked away. The house was quiet this morning. Which reminded me of something...I dashed upstairs and got dressed, shaking Anthony awake.
Elizabeth: We have to go!
I practically yelled.
Anthony: Why what happened?
Elizabeth: Please just come on.
I managed to get him out of bed and into an Uber, that took us to the hospital.
Anthony: Why are we here?
I didn't say anything. Instead, I walked up to the front desk and asked the lady about Logan and Jake.
Front Desk Lady: Logan is in room 213 and Jake is right next to him in 214.
I rushed over to Anthony and led him into Logan's room.
Anthony: What's Logan doing here?
Anthony looked at me with a confused expression and I shrugged. Logan had a cast on his wrist and a bruise on his jaw.
Logan: Jake started beating me up because-
Elizabeth: Because of me. This is one of the things that set me over the edge and almost...did what I was gonna do.
Anthony nodded and walked over to me. He grasped my hand and reassuringly squeezed it.
Logan: It wasn't your fault.
Instead of answering, I led Tony into the next room over. The sight of Jake laying on the bed,
unconscious, made me sick. I turned away and took a deep breath.
Anthony: Who did this?
Elizabeth: Logan. They got in a fight cause...cause of me.
I broke down crying and collapsed into Anthony's arms.
Anthony: It's not your fault baby.
He whispered, while he caressed my hair. Anthony and I walked out of the hospital, hand in hand. When we arrived at home, I went to my room and tried to forget about everything. It worked for a while. There was a loud knock on the door and I went downstairs to get it. When I opened it, I immediately regretted it.
Caleb: Elizabeth? Is it really you? I've missed you so much!
•Who is Caleb? How does he know Elizabeth? Why does Elizabeth regret opening up the door? Well, if you want the answers I feel bad for you, I'm probs not gonna update for a while since i'm really busy. :)•

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