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-Elizabeth's POV-

As soon as I stepped off the plane, I turned my phone off airplane mode and was spammed by texts and calls. Most of them were from Jake and Anthony, but Tessa and Chance had also texted me. I didn't open them, but I read a couple of Anthony's. They were all asking where I was and if I was ok, but I didn't bother to answer any of them. I decided to take the bus because I wanted to surprise my dad when I got home. After almost a half hour, I arrived at the bus station nearest my house. I hopped off and walked for about 15 minutes. The walk helped clear my mind and I arrived at my dad's house around 11 at night. I quietly opened the door and was surprised to see him awake on the couch. I sat next to him and we caught up and talked, until I decided to go to bed.

I woke up to my phone ringing like crazy. It's been almost 4 days since I've seen or talked to anyone aside from Logan and my dad. I saw Anthony was FaceTiming me, and I decided to answer. I set my phone up so I didn't have to hold it. While on FaceTime, I avoided looking at the camera because I didn't want Anthony to know I had been crying.

Anthony: Elizabeth! Where are you? I've been worried sick.

Anthony's voice cracked and I knew he was crying.

Elizabeth: Ohio.

I whispered to him. For some reason, that was as loud as I could speak. When I said "Ohio", I stepped into the camera frame.

Anthony: What? Why? Are you crying?

He was genuinely concerned about me. Unlike Jake...At the thought of that, I started to cry a little harder.

Anthony: Please come home baby. I miss you, I want to hold you in my arms.

Elizabeth: I can't...

Anthony: Why are you crying? You're too beautiful to cry.

I hesitated and choked on my words. How do I tell my boyfriend that his best friend shattered me? I took a deep breath.

Elizabeth: Jake...

Anthony: Is that why he's been acting all weird lately?

I nodded my head and explained everything to Anthony, trying my hardest not to break down in the middle of the story. I also told him how I didn't want Jake to know where I was. Finally, when I finished, I collapsed on my bed and cried. I was hurting inside, more than you think.

-Anthony's POV-

I said goodbye to Elizabeth and put my phone down. It hurt me to see her cry and not be able to hold her in my arms, comfort her, kiss her head, tell her she was gonna be ok. I can't believe Jake would do this to her. Ever since the day she left, he hasn't really done anything. Hardly even vlogging, if you can believe that.

Anthony: Are you ok?

Jake: No, I'm worried sick about Elizabeth.

Anthony: I talked to her. She's safe.

Jake: Where is she?

I hesitated, not knowing how Jake would react. I took a deep breath.

Anthony: Ohio...

Jake: This is all my fault.

Jake put his head in his hand. I wanted to tell him that it wasn't, but it was.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I spent the days in Ohio with my family. Honestly, it helped to get my mind off of the whole Jake thing. But now, it's time to head back to LA. I miss Anthony, Tessa, and although he hurt me, I missed Jake. I packed my bags and headed back to the airport.

When I arrived at LAX, the first person I texted was Logan. He picked me up in a big white car.

Logan: Welcome to the Yeti. I got it while you were in Ohio.

Elizabeth: Dope!

Logan drove me back to his apartment and I hopped out of the Yeti. I grabbed my bags and headed up into Logan's apartment.

Logan: You can stay on the couch.

Elizabeth: Thanks Logan, love the chivalry.

I rolled my eyes, jokingly. Then, I grabbed my laptop and headed out onto the Lovesacs. I googled "Apartments in LA" and was glad to find many different apartments available for rent. While apartment shopping, Logan called my name.

Logan: Hey, Lizzy! Someone from Team 10 wants to talk to you.

Elizabeth: Tell them to go away!

I turned back to my laptop and started to apartment shop when the sun set, and it became colder.

Anthony: You came back from Ohio and didn't tell me?

•Sorry for being so inactive, I'm going to try to update more often. I've been so busy with school lately i'm sorry!•

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