46 - My Fault

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*Anthony's POV*

Elizabeth looks shocked once she glances at both of us. Best friend? She never told me about a best friend she lost. Tears stream out of her eyes as she runs up to her bedroom. I look at Jake and watch his facial expressions change as Elizabeth's words sink in.

"I'm sorry." I say, after a moment of silence. I don't want to lose my best friend.

"No." Jake replies, finally looking at me. "I'm sorry. I should've forgiven you. I just..."

"I don't care." I don't let Jake finish. I have an idea of what's coming and I don't want to hear it. "I gotta go."

I rush upstairs, to Elizabeth's room. What about her best friend? I knock on the door and hear a soft murmur of "go away". I refuse, and open her door. Elizabeth is laying on her bed, crying.

"What's the matter?" I ask, laying down next to her. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Elizabeth nods, and takes a deep breath. I use my hand to gently wipe away some of her tears.

"I met a girl in first grade. We became best friends, and stayed close until high school. She and I were both getting severely bullied. The bullies really got to her head. Slowly, but surely, they were tearing her apart. It got so bad to a point where we were both going to kill our selves...Then I met Jack and everything changed for us. My best friend, however, was all alone. I was spending more and more time with Jack and without realizing it, I left my best friend. She was hurting, more than I was. Eventually, one day she...she killed herself. She left me a note, and I still remember what it said. The note read:
This world is too harsh for me. You were my world, but I miss the old you. Jack has changed you. You never put me first. It was always you and Jack. I love you, but I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry.
Once I read the note, I vowed to never tell anyone about her, to never reopen the wound that her death left. Losing my best friend was the worst thing that could've happened to me. That's why, when Jake was upset, I needed to fight for you. I didn't fight for my best friend. I should've, but I didn't."

Elizabeth's voice breaks and I hug her. Damn, what did this beautiful girl do to deserve all this karma? I read some where that the best people get the worst karma, but Elizabeth didn't deserve this.

"It's all my fault." She whispers.

•hope you guys enjoy this chapter! i'm updating twice today because I haven't updated in ages! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays my dudes!•

What It Takes - Anthony TrujilloWhere stories live. Discover now