07 - Logan

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I ran out of the office and grabbed my bag from the bottom of the stairs. Then, I ran out the front door and out into the road. Tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't see clearly. I just ran, I had no idea where I was running but I knew I had to get away from Jake. He swore, he swore to never bring up what happened. But he did. Soon, I collapsed on a patch of grass in the middle of nowhere. I took out my phone and texted Logan to pick me up. I then sent him my location because I had absolutely no idea where I was. Soon, his purple Dodge pulled up beside me and Logan hopped out.

Logan: Lizzy! Are you ok? What happened?

I couldn't form any words. Instead, I just cried and cried. Logan picked me up bridal style and carried me to his car. I leaned into his shoulder and let the tears fall onto his shirt. He placed me in the car and got my bag. Hopping in the front seat, he drove off to his apartment. By the time we arrived, I could talk. I had explained what happened to him and why I was so upset about it.

Logan: I swear to God...I'm gonna kill Jake.

Elizabeth: Don't. Please.

Logan helped me carry my bag to his apartment.

Logan: You can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the couch.

Elizabeth: No. I'll take the couch.

Soon, I was trying to fall asleep but I couldn't. I kept thinking about how I never got to say goodbye to my mom and how I fucked up as a kid. I ruined my whole life, like Jake said. Then, I started crying. I tried to stay as quiet as possible, but Logan came out of his room and sat next to me.

Logan: Are you ok?

I shook my head.

Elizabeth: I want to go back to Ohio.

Logan: What?

Elizabeth: Please. Can you book me a flight for tomorrow. As early as possible.

Logan: Why?

I didn't answer, instead I shrugged my shoulders.

Logan: Ok, I'll book you a flight. Goodnight, Lizzy.

I drifted off to a violent sleep filled with nightmares about Jake and my mom. In the morning, I woke up to Logan softly shaking me and whispering in my ear.

Logan: Lizzy, you need to get up. Your flight boards in a little over an hour.

I sat up and threw my hair in a messy bun. Then, I grabbed my bag and Logan led me out to his car. He dropped me off at the airport and soon it was time for me to board.

Logan: Don't do anything stupid, Lizzy.

I couldn't help but let a few tears fall. Logan cared about me, why couldn't Jake?

Elizabeth: I won't. Don't tell Jake where I am, either. Tell him you know I'm safe but that's it.

Logan nodded and I leaned in for one last hug.

Elizabeth: I'm gonna miss you Logan.

Logan: I'll miss you too.

And with that, I boarded my flight to Ohio.

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