49 - Airport

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*Anthony's POV*

My heart jumps with excitement when her sweet voice says "yes". So I spend the rest of the day planning the most amazing date for the love of my life.

"No, she hates those," I argue, as Tessa points something out. "It has to be perfect."

"Anthony, Elizabeth loves you, no matter what the date is, she'll still have the same feelings for you." Tessa shuts off her computer and looks at

I let out a long sigh, and agree with her. "You're right. I'm overreacting."

Tessa nods in agreement and continues to surf the internet. Suddenly, a great idea pops into my head.

"Tessa...You need to distract Elizabeth all day. I have some things I need to sort out." I run a hand through my hair and start brainstorming ideas.

*Elizabeth's POV*

"Hey, do you want to go shopping today? I'm so bored," Tessa groans, throwing herself onto my bed. I chuckle and shake my head at her.

"Of course, where do you wanna go?" I ask.

"The movies!" She squeals. I laugh, and soon she joins in. 

I change into a white cropped hoodie, and black leggings. I throw on my converse and Tessa and I are off. We arrive at the movies, and decide to check out what movies are playing. We choose to watch Insidious: The Last Key, and it's so good! It's quite spooky, though. After the movies, Tessa and I go to lunch together. As I drive to In-n-Out, I think of everything that's happened lately. How drastically my life has changed–for the better. I found a family, one that actually cares, I met the love of my life, and the most amazing people came my way. I honestly can't believe that this happened in just a few months, just as I was thinking of killing myself.

"Elizabeth!" Tessa yells. "Let's go, I'm hungry."

"Sorry," I chuckle, following Tessa into the fast food restaurant.

We get our food, and sit across from each other. Tessa and I talk, laugh, and eat. At one point, Tessa gets a text and a confused expression crosses her face. Then, she smiles to cover it up.

"I'm going back home for a week, do you want to come with?" Tessa asks, sort of strangely. I ignore her emotion and nod.

"Of course! When are you leaving?"

Tessa checks her phone again, and glances back up at me.

"The flight's at 8:15 tomorrow morning. I hope it's not too short notice."

"No, no. It's fine." I smile.

We finish our burgers, and continue to shop at the Grove for almost four hours. It's time to go back to the house, and I'm almost happy.

"My legs are tired," I complain. "Don't your's hurt? At all?"

"Hush, child. Learn the ways of a pro-shopper. My legs will never ache."

I let out a laugh, and pull into the driveway of the Team10 house. As I walk in, I notice that Anthony is no where to be seen.

"Where's Anthony?" I ask, but no one responds. He'll probably be back in a few hours, so I don't really think anything if it.

I head upstairs to my bedroom, where I pack up a bunch of clothes for my week vacation with Tessa. After a few hours of packing, I do a final check and make sure I'm not forgetting anything. I'm not, and I'm beyond excited for this mini "vacation". I lay on my bed and play on my phone for another hour or so, until I finally drift off to sleep.

Tessa wakes me up bright and early in the morning. I groan and check the time, 7:09.

"Come on, we gotta go." Tessa says.

We grab our bags and load them into an Uber. As we arrive at the airport, Tessa is acting kind of weird, sort of like she's hiding something.

"Tessa, do you have something you want to tell me?" I ask, out of curiosity.

"No..." She replies awkwardly.

She's definitely hiding something, but I don't press. I figure it isn't that big of a deal. We pass through security fairly quick, and we try to find our gate.

"I'm sorry, I'll have to take you home some other time." Tessa says once we find my gate.

"What do you mean?" I ask, turning around to where Tessa is pointing.

Anthony is standing there, holding up a sign that says:

Surprise, we're going to Hawaii!
I love you

I stand there in awe as Anthony comes up to hug me. Hawaii is my dream vacation. Ever since being a child, I've always wanted to go.

"You're the best," I whisper into his chest.

"Only for the most amazing girl I've ever met," Anthony replies, giving me a squeeze.

God, I fucking love this kid.

•This concludes chapter 49! 50 is the last chapter! I'm sorry for the late late late update. I was going through some stuff, and I wasn't really myself lately. I didn't feel any motivation to right, and I really needed some time to myself. I'm back now! Thank you all so much for reading my story! you guys are honestly the best! i love y'all!•

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