45 - Forgive

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*Elizabeth's POV*

Tessa looks taken aback, as Anthony steps out from behind the wall. Momentarily, she's frozen. Then, she runs and jumps into Anthony's arms.

"I missed you," she said, squeezing him.

Tessa and Tony were like best friends, I knew him leaving would affect her a lot. Just then, a confused Chance rounds the corner.

"Tessa, what's going on?" He asks. Seconds later, he lets out a gasp. "Anthony?"

"I missed you bro." Anthony says, giving Chance a bro hug.

Chance nods, and I can see the happiness in his eyes. Anthony's disappearance must have affected him really bad too. Jake comes downstairs to see what the fuss is all about.

"Get. Out." Jake growls.

"What?" I ask, stepping in front of Anthony.

"I want him out of my house." Jake snarls.

Anthony turns to go, but I grab onto his wrist.

"You're staying," I whisper, so just Anthony can hear.

"Jake, what's your problem?" I say louder.

"Elizabeth, can we talk? In private?" Jake says, crossing his arms.

By now, Tessa and Chance have drifted back upstairs. They know how it is to be around Jake when he's angry or upset.

"Whatever you need to say to me you can say to Anthony too." I retort.

Jake sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Fine, you win. He's not staying here though."

"Why the fuck not?" I yell. I'm getting frustrated with Jake. Who does he think he is? "Anthony is your best friend! Are you really going to throw away his friendship like that? So what, he made one mistake? I've made mistakes, too. Forgive and forget, Jake. Forgive him, he didn't even hurt you. He broke me, and I still found the strength to forgive him. People make mistakes, that's just who we are. Mistakes shape us into the people we are. Anthony is your best friend. I lost mine, and that's one of the worst things to experience. I wanted to kill myself because of it. Are you really going to put yourself through that, just because he made one mistake?"

Jake stands there, speechless, just like Anthony. They both look at me, and I realize what I said. I told them about my best friend...

•oof, more drama! hope you guys are enjoying this fanfic! 5 chapters left!•

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