50 - Epilouge

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*Elizabeth's POV*

It's been exactly 3 years since Anthony and I got back together, and that's probably one of the best decisions I've ever made. Right now, we are watching the sun set on a beach. We are in Hawaii once again, celebrating our anniversary with a new tradition–to come to Hawaii each year. I smile as I think of all the amazing things he's done for me. Sure, we've had good times and bad, but everyone does. And through it all, we stuck by each other's sides because, after all, that's what love is. Love is overcoming all the little bumps in the road, the rough parts of the relationship. After all, our bad moments just brought us closer together. I couldn't be more happy to call Anthony mine. He's made my life ten times better by just being in it, and I can't imagine life without him.

*Anthony's POV*

I remove my eyes from the beautiful beach in front of me, and turn my head to face Elizabeth, my gorgeous girlfriend. I wish I could explain how much I love her, but there will never be enough words. Elizabeth has stuck with me through the good and the bad, and I love her so much. She's always been there for me, even when I wasn't there for her. I can't thank her enough for being a part of my life, and for choosing to become my girlfriend once again. I'm glad she gave me a second chance. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Elizabeth stands up to leave, the setting sun illuminating her beautiful figure. I stand up as well, and take her hands in mine.

"Elizabeth Warner, you don't understand the impact you've had on my life. I'm so glad you came into it and changed it, and I'm so glad you gave me a second chance. I know I didn't deserve one after what I did to you, but when we got back together I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you." Elizabeth removes her hands from mine and wipes a couple of stray tears. I get down on one knee, and pull out a black velvet box from my pocket. "I love you so much, will you make me the happiest man alive? Will you marry me?" I ask.



*Elizabeth's POV*

I walk down the isle in my flowing white dress. My dreams are all coming alive in such a short amount of time. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do anything, because you can do anything you want to. I reach the end of the isle and the priest begins to talk. Anthony and I both say our vows, and by the end of it I'm almost in tears.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Anthony's lips gently press against mine and my heart is swarmed with butterflies. After over three years of being together, he still manages to make me blush.

"I love you," he whispers against my lips.

•Well that concludes What It Takes. I hope you guys enjoyed this story. I honestly can't believe it got this far, 5k reads. you guys are amazing. when i first started writing this story, i never imagined it would reach this far. I have to admit, i'm a little sad that it's over. Thank you so much for taking time out of your days and lives to read this story. As I've looked back and reread what I wrote, I have realized that my writing has improved greatly. I'd like to give a huge thank you to my best friend team10everday for helping me. She is the most amazing person ever! She helped me with a lot of this story, and much of what happened was her idea. It would mean a lot if you guys could follow her and give her story some love! Lastly, i'd like to say goodbye. I'm taking a break from writing fan fiction and I probably won't come back. I am going to be writing actual stories on a different account (callie0279). Fanfiction writing just wasn't the thing for me. I enjoyed it, but I prefer creating my own characters, settings, and such. I love you all so much! Peace out fam•

What It Takes - Anthony TrujilloWhere stories live. Discover now