38 - Dating

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*Elizabeth's POV*

My eyes sting as I read through Anthony's email. No, no, no. I caused so many problems in Team10. I should be the one to leave. Not Anthony. My phone rings and I see a Facetime from Tessa.

"Hey, T," I say, answering the call.

"Did you get a text too?" She asks.

"I got an email, I blocked him on everything."

"Jake and Chance are super pissed."

"Why? At me?" I question.

"At Anthony still, for hanging out with Peyton. She's a slutty bitch, just using him for his fame. Everyone knows it, even Anthony. You are so much more than her. Jake and Chance both knew something like this would happen. I would've stopped him if I had known."

"We need to find him."

"Jake said not to look for him. And he doesn't want you to look for him either. He's leaving because he wants to be left alone."

"I don't care what Jake says. Or Anthony, for this matter. I don't care that he hurt me. I'll do what it takes to get him back. It was one kiss and yeah, it hurt my feelings, but it's been almost two weeks. Learn to let go, forgive and forget. He said some things in the email too, so I got a little of his perspective. He didn't mean to hurt me."

"Elizabeth, it doesn't matter if he didn't mean to hurt you. He still hurt you, and maybe you should just let him go. He obviously doesn't care about you anymore. You don't know what he's done."

I was shocked. Tessa loves Anthony. Last I saw, they were like brother and sister. Obviously Anthony did something else.

"T, what happened?" I ask suddenly. "You used to love Anthony like a brother. Why are you acting like you've hated him your whole life? You cared for him, he cared for you. What happened?"

She lets out a big sigh. "So you don't know? Anthony didn't tell you? Jake or Chance didn't?"

I shake my head. "No, they didn't."

"Damn, I thought Anthony was better than this. He was supposed to tell you. Jake and Chance both told me he did. They probably don't want you to know..."

"T, tell me. Best friends don't keep secrets from each other."

"Anthony and Peyton had sex, like a week after he came back from France."

I gasp. Why would he do that to me? I thought I actually meant something to him. Apparently not...

"That's not the worst part." Tessa adds. "They started dating just after you left..."

•woot woot. how are y'all? i hope you enjoy this chapter. sorry the chapters have been super short lately! thanks for reading! I started a new fanfiction!! it's called Fate, and it's a brendon north fanfic! please go check it out!•

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