13 - Caleb

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-Anthony's POV-
I snuck downstairs when I heard the door open. Elizabeth was standing there with a guy.
Elizabeth: Caleb...What are you doing in LA?
Caleb: I'm shooting a movie here.
Elizabeth: Oh fun. Why are you here?
Caleb: Oh, I came to see you.
Elizabeth: How did you know I was here?
Caleb: Adrianna told me. Why didn't you tell me you were leaving Ohio?
Elizabeth didn't say anything.
Caleb: So what do you say to lunch date? 2 old friends, catching up?
Elizabeth: Um...Sure...
Elizabeth was hesitant in her answer. A lunch date? I assured myself that they were just going as friends when Elizabeth left. She seemed reluctant to go.
-Elizabeth's POV-
As I walked out the door with Caleb, I got a twisted feeling in my gut. Why was I like this? Is it because I haven't seen him in over 3 years? I couldn't control myself. I jumped into his arms and hugged him. I missed him.
Elizabeth: I missed you.
Caleb: I missed you too.
The lunch date was actually a lot of fun. I told him everything that happened since I last saw him. He did the same to me. When he dropped me off at the Team 10 house, I was in a great mood. I walked up to Anthony's room.
When I entered Anthony's room, he didn't even glance up from his video games.
Elizabeth: Hey, babe.
He didn't say anything, not even looking at me.
Elizabeth: What's wrong?
I asked, sitting next to him and wrapping my arm around him. He quickly used his free hand to brush my arm away.
Anthony: Nothing.
He hurriedly answered. Obviously, something was wrong.
Elizabeth: Babe? What's wrong?
He paused his game and finally looked at me. I could see the hurt in his eyes. I leaned in and wrapped my arms around him. He did nothing. When I finally broke away, he didn't say anything.
Anthony: Get out.
He clenched his jaw and looked at me. I guessed that I was the reason he was acting like this. That I was the reason he was upset. Instead of talking to him and asking what I did or asking what he was upset about, I got up and went to my room. I lay on my bed and cried. After 20 minutes of crying, I felt a little better. Tessa came into my room and noticed my red and puffy eyes.
Tessa: Oh my god. What happened, Elizabeth?
I shrugged my shoulders and looked at her.
Elizabeth: I don't know. Anthony is really pissed at me and I have no idea why.
Tessa: That son of a bitch. I'll be right back.
She smirked at me and I gave her a watery smile. I knew exactly what she was going to do.
-Anthony's POV-
I was laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling when an angry Tessa barged in. I immediately sat up and looked at her.
Tessa: What the fuck?
She glared at me. If looks could kill, I'd be dead.
Anthony: What?
Tessa: Your girlfriend is in her bedroom, bawling her eyes out because she thinks you hate her guts.
I got a twisted feeling in my gut and looked at the floor.
Anthony: Oh.
Tessa: Go fucking talk to her and fix this. Right now.
I hesitated to get up and Tessa stormed over to my bed. She grabbed my wrist and led me to Elizabeth's room. Tessa shoved me inside and I glanced over my shoulder. She slammed the door shut and I looked up at Elizabeth. She was laying on her bed. Mascara was running down her face and her eyes were red and puffy.
Elizabeth: What did I do?
She croaked, halfway through her sentence, her voice cracked. I pulled up her snap story and showed it to her.
Anthony: I guess I wasn't good enough for you, right?
I locked my phone and put it in my pocket. Elizabeth looked horrified. I turned and was about to leave when she finally answered.
Elizabeth: Anthony, Caleb is my brother.

•another cliffhanger. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter!•

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