06 - Trust Me

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-Anthony's POV-

I was crying too. What do I say to that? I can't believe I had no idea what she went through.

Anthony: I'm glad I saved you. Because then you wouldn't be in my arms right now. You changed me, Elizabeth. I love you.

She didn't say anything, but I pulled her into me and kissed her forehead. I loved this girl right here more than anything. I was so lucky to have someone as amazing as her in my life. How blind was I to not notice what she was going through? Soon, we drifted off to sleep, our cheeks tear stained and our arms wrapped around each other.

-A few days later-

I woke up to my alarm and my first thought was to snooze it. Then, Chance exited the bathroom and I remembered we had paintball today. I checked the time on my phone, 4:24 pm. I got up and got dressed, then grabbed my gun and headed to the car with Chance.

Chance: I'm so hyped for paintball, bro.

Anthony: Same, bro. We're gonna kill it.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I walked around the Grove with Tessa, when she got a text.

Tessa: Shit! I have to get to dance. I'm sorry!

I giggled and leaned in to hug her.

Elizabeth: It's alright. I had a lot of fun. Oh, and I can call an Uber.

Tessa nodded, hugged me again, and began hurriedly walking to her car. I walked into Starbucks and ordered a caramel frappuccino, then called an Uber and waited outside for it. When I arrived at home, I noticed that it was only Jake, Martinez, and I at home. My phone buzzed and I checked it to see a text from Logan.

Logan: Hey, I'm going to Hawaii tomorrow. I have an extra ticket if you wanna come.

Elizabeth: OMG, are you serious? I'd LOVE to go! Thank you so much!

Logan: Haha, great. You can come over now if you want. After you pack, of course.

Elizabeth: Thanks! I'll be over soon!

I put my phone in my pocket and rushed upstairs. I grabbed a couple outfits, bathing suits, makeup, and the other necessities I would need. Then, I placed my bag at the bottom of the stairs and went to talk to Jake, in the office.

Elizabeth: Hey, Jake. Can we talk?

Jake: Sure, whats up?

Elizabeth: I'm going on a vacation for a few days.

Jake: Where? With who?

Elizabeth: Hawaii. And...um, an old friend.

Jake: Lizzy, who are you going with?

Elizabeth: Just an old friend.

Jake: Lizzy! Who?

Elizabeth: Why does it matter so much?

Jake: Because I don't want you to get hurt again.

Elizabeth: I'll be fine.

Jake: Tell me who you are going with.

Elizabeth: No. It shouldn't matter to you. Why can't you trust me?

-Jake's POV-

Lizzy was like a little sister to me. Every time she got hurt, it hurt me too. For some reason, at this moment I couldn't control what came out of my mouth. I currently had my back to her, facing away from her.

Jake: Lizzy, of course it should matter to you. You are like the little sister I never had. Every time you get hurt, I get hurt too. Seeing you back when you were high or drunk completely shattered me.  I'm trying to protect you, but if you want to be a stubborn bitch, go ahead. I'm sorry that I don't want to see my best friend since elementary school get hurt. There are reasons I don't trust you! Maybe if you didn't go out and get yourself drunk at 15, do drugs, ruin your future then I would trust you. Maybe if you listened to your mother back in Ohio I could trust you. Maybe if you weren't so careless or rebellious I might trust you. Maybe if you didn't fuck around so much and get yourself raped I would trust you. And maybe if you left your abusive fiance before he actually hurt you, when I told you to because I knew what would happen, I could trust you. Maybe, deep down inside, I'm glad you aren't my sister because you'd be a disgrace to my family.

I let all my rage out on her and I turned to see tears in her eyes and streaming down her face. Oh shit, I can't believe I said that. She turned and stormed out of the room and I knew I fucked up. I fucked up big time...

•woot woot, plot twist. lol guys don't hate on me for making jake seem like a bad person, i actually love him it's just i wanted something like this to happen. also, i'm a really sensitive person and when i was writing that i almost cried cuz it was so harsh. lol this story is so choppy too it's really bad•

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