05 - You Saved Me

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I woke up at 3 in the morning and I started
shaking. I took deep breaths, telling myself it was just a bad dream, but it was no use. The tears started streaming down my face. Soon, Anthony was awake.

Anthony: Babe? Are you ok?

Elizabeth: Y-yeah...it was just a bad dream.

I lay down again and took deep breaths. In, 1 2 3. Out, 1 2 3. Anthony's arm snaked around my waist and pulled me in closer to him. Just having the comfort of knowing he was there calmed me down a little. I was still shaking like crazy though.

Anthony: Do you want to talk about it?

Elizabeth: N-no.

Anthony: Ok baby. I'm here for you, you know. I won't let anything happen to you. Goodnight, beautiful.

He kissed my forehead and I eventually fell asleep in his arms.

I woke up to a sore pain on my stomach. Jake had shot me with the merch gun.

Jake: Gooooooood morning Elizthony! Wakey, wakey, lovebirds.

I was still wrapped up in Anthony's arms when Jake pointed his vlog camera toward us. I pulled the sheets over my head and snuggled into Tony's bare chest. He tightened his grip on me.

Jake: Come out, Lizzy.

I rolled my eyes, even though Jake couldn't see.

Elizabeth: I look like shit in the morning.

Anthony: You always look beautiful.

Thank god I was under the blanket, cause Anthony made me blush like a fool. I heard footsteps, then the door closed.

Anthony: Jake's gone now, beautiful.

I threw the covers off my head and looked around the room. No one else was there, except Anthony. I leaned in and kissed him.

Anthony: Now, about last night...

I cut him off.

Elizabeth: Before you, I was engaged. I had everything a girl could ever want. My life was almost perfect. Except, my fiancé was...abusive. He would occasionally come home drunk and hit me...It never hurt, except once. There was one time I came home from a business trip early and I found out he was cheating on me. He had been cheating on me for a while. I was done, and I left. Then I came here.

My voice cracked and I broke down crying. Anthony pulled me into a hug and cradled me in his arms.

Anthony: You don't have to continue.

Elizabeth: No, I owe you an explanation. Every night since I left I've been having nightmares about him. But last night was different. It started off like all the others. I was here, in the house when he came to the door. I opened it, because I didn't know it was him. And then he started to hit me. But you were there and you stopped him. Then he started
to hit you, and you fell to the ground. After, you were laying there and I-I thought you were g-gone.

Anthony didn't say anything, instead he pulled me closer into his body. I was crying, bawling my eyes out, into his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head and we stayed like that for a little while, until I had stopped crying. I got up, kissed Anthony, and went downstairs, where Jake called me into his office.

Jake: Lizzy, come here.

Elizabeth: What's up?

Jake: So you've been staying here for a while, and I was wondering. Do you want to join Team10?

Elizabeth: Oh Jake. I don't know. I need to think about it.

Jake: Ok, just tell me when you've made a decision.

I nodded my head and sat on the trampoline. Soon, Tessa came home from dance and we sat and talked for hours. Then, Chanthony came downstairs from their room. Tessa and I shared a smirk.

Tessa: Double date?

Elizabeth: Only if we get to watch Netflix and eat ice cream!

Tessa and I laughed while the guys looked at each other. Soon, we were all snuggled on my king sized bed in my room. Tessa and I were sitting in between our boyfriends. Halfway into the movie, I got a phone call. I checked the caller ID and it was my dad.

Elizabeth: I have to take this. It's my dad.

Anthony paused the movie and I stepped into the hallway.

Elizabeth: Hey dad.

Elizabeth's Dad (Frank): Hi honey. How's LA?

Elizabeth: Good. I'm having a good time.

Frank: Ok, well I have some bad news.

My dad was starting to scare me.

Frank: I don't know how to say this. Um last night, your mom was in a fatal car accident.

Elizabeth: Oh no. Is she ok?

Frank: I'm sorry, she's gone. I have to go now, I have work. You'll be okay.

I sunk down against the wall and started to cry. After 5 minutes, I remembered about the movie and dried my eyes with the back of my hand. I headed back into my room and earned stares from everyone.

Anthony: What happened, babe?'

Tessa nodded in agreement and I collapsed on the bed.

Elizabeth: My mom...she-she died.

As soon as the words left my mouth, I couldn't hold back the tears. They streamed out of my eyes, smearing my makeup and causing my mascara to run.

Elizabeth: I'm sorry guys. I feel like I'm ruining the whole night.

Tessa: It's not your fault.

Anthony wrapped him arms around me and I fell into his embrace. He rested his chin on the top of my head and Chance and Tessa left the room.

Elizabeth: I'm sorry babe.

Anthony: You have nothing to be sorry for. Stop apologizing. And stop crying. You're too beautiful to cry.

Elizabeth: I can't. I never got to say goodbye.

I figured this was as good a time as any to tell Anthony about my past.

Elizabeth: There's a lot you don't know about me. I don't like opening up to people because it makes me feel weak. But there's something you need to know.

-Anthony's POV-

I wanted to know about her past but I didn't want to pressure her to tell me.

Anthony: Okay...

Elizabeth: You know I grew up in Ohio, right? Well, I left Ohio because of my mom. When I left, I was doing drugs, getting drunk, going to clubs with a fake ID, stuff like that. Well, I got in a huge fight with my mom over it. She was trying to help me but I didn't want her to help me.

Elizabeth was a mess. No matter how much she was crying, she still looked gorgeous. It broke me to see her like this. I took my thumb and wiped some of the tears away.

Elizabeth: Well, I left one day. Without telling her where I was going or what I was doing. When I arrived in LA, I met Jack. He helped me fix my life. We became best friends and eventually a couple. But when Jack cheated on me, I was shattered. Jake also had a huge part in fixing my life, so I turned to him. I knew I could trust him. But he was almost too preoccupied for me. Actually, I was thinking about ending my life. That one day you came in and stayed with me, I was thinking about killing my self. How no one would miss me nor care. Anthony, you quite literally saved my life.

She leaned her head on my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

Elizabeth: You kept me alive. And I'm thankful you did.

•woot woot, a long one. It's over 1,000 words. hopeyou like it! also message me if you wanna collab because I wanna collab with someone. it's cool•

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