48 - Yes

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*Elizabeth's POV*

I look between Jake and Anthony. Jake looks embarrassed as fuck, and Anthony looks like he is about to kill someone. Maybe because Jake was being rude, or that I was just about to answer Anthony's question. I, myself, was full of confusion. What do you say when two boys ask you out? Two boys who are best friends and you don't want to ruin their friendship.

Jake turns and runs out of the room, not giving anyone a chance to react to his words. I get up off the bed and send an apologetic look to Anthony. I chase after Jake, who winds up in his bedroom.

"Jake..." I start, attempting to open the locked door.

"What?" He groans, not bothering to let me in.

"Can we talk?"

"Fine." He opens the door and I step into his bedroom. He stands across from me and flares down at his shoes. "Talk."

"I get that you have feelings for me, but I view you like a brother. Jake, your the closest thing I have to a family...I can't picture myself ever dating my brother. I'm really sorry. You're one of the best friends I've ever had, and I love you. You're an amazing person, and I know you'll find the perfect girl. I'm not that girl, and you have Erika anyway. I'm sorry."

I leave his room without giving him a chance to reply. I don't want to know what he says next. Instead, I run back into my room, where Anthony is waiting on the bed.

"Elizabeth. Just have Jake, I don't deserve you anyway."

"Anthony," I whisper, sitting next to him on the bed, "Of course you deserve me. If anything,
I don't deserve you. Do you really think I would choose Jake over you?"

Anthony lets out a heavy sigh. "Yes," he grumbles.

I chuckle to myself, before realizing he was serious.

"Anthony, I love you," I start, "you know. Maybe you hurt me, but feelings don't change like that. I still loved you through all the pain. I would never choose Jake, or anyone, over you."

"Will you give me a second chance? Can I take you out on a date?" He asks, his brown eyes bright and full of hope.

"Yes," I answer, biting my lip and smiling.

•yeet how are y'all? hope you guys are enjoying this story, etc etc etc. what are ur thoughts on it? ik it's super cringey, it's my second fan fiction ever and it's quite bad. i began writing this with absolutely no experience. 2 CHAPTERS LEFT!!!•

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